Weight Loss 5 Day Fast with Water for Best Result

Weight Loss 5 Day Fast with Water for Best Result

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Reducing Weight within 5 days? Can I believe this? See, there are various types of weight loss fasting methods available at present. Each method has its own food pattern, time schedule, and fixed practices. So, here we find a 5 day fast. This is called Weight Loss 5 Day Fast. As the title shows, this method suggests fasting for 5 days. That is why it is called 5 days Fast. More than the time period, we have to study many things under this method. Therefore, this article focus on how to reduce weight using Weight Loss 5 Day Fast.    

Weight Loss 5 Day Fast

As different Weight Loss Fasting Methods has their own time schedule, this method is targeting % day for this Fast. After completing its 5 days, we can observe the result. To be honest, showing a positive result within 5 days is really a great impact on weight loss. Because most of the weight loss fasting methods are proposing certain diet plans along with exercise are taking a longer time period to reduce a considerable weight from our body. Therefore, this is really amazing. We can say that this is a result-oriented fasting method.

Let’s see, how about the restriction of foods under this method? What kind of foods are restricted? What kind of food is allowed to take during these 5 days? These are the important questions. Remember, we can’t get any food during these 5 days. The Weight Loss 5 Day Fast is a method we practice with water. We take only water during these 5 days. Of course. This is not an easy task. Let’s study more on this topic.  

Woman Drinking Water Weight Loss 5 Day Fast with Water for Best Result
Women Drinking Water Weight Loss 5 Day Fast with Water for Best Result

The Benefits of Weight Loss 5 Day Fast

There are a considerable number of benefits we receive through this weight loss 5-day fast.

Main Benefit is Weight Loss

The main benefit of 5 Day water fat is Weight Loss. Normally we can reduce around 10 pounds within one week using this method. Therefore, I would like to mention here that this method provides one of the fastest results for weight loss.  Because this method is mainly focused on calorie restrictions. 

As we take only water and no any food during these fasting five days, our body starts working naturally. After that, our body gets rid of toxins too. Moreover, our bodies start getting rid of impurities. Moreover, we need energy. But we don’t get food. Therefore, the body starts using stored glycogen. The body will be burned through oxidation. The body start to use the stored fat in this situation. So that, the body starts to burn calories in the place of glycogen. Our liver also continuously uses the stored glycogen. As there is no more glucose available, our body starts burning through muscle tissue. We call this process “ketosis”.  This is how our body works when we do this fast. So this is not easy. But, this method benefits us to reduce weight very fast.

The 5 Day Fast promotes Autophagy

Autophagy is a kind of recycling process of dead cells and damaged cells in our body. This 5-day fasting with water method can promote this autophagy process. Moreover, these processes support many other health benefits. For example, this can slow our aging process. This situation can prevent us from cancer risk as well. Furthermore, this 5 Day fast with water method can protect us from heart diseases. Many researchers have mentioned that we can increase our lifetime if we practice this fast once in a while in our life.

Improve our Leptin sensitivity

There is a hormone named Leptin. This hormone lets our body feel satisfied and lets us stop our food intake. Therefore, this hormone do a major role in eating. On the other hand, this hormone affects weight gain as well as weight loss. If we feel satisfied and full when we eat on a small scale, then we can stop eating. The 5-day water fast is touching this leptin sensitivity. That helps our weight loss works.  

Promote Insulin

Insulin is helping us in many ways. That basically supports the glucose getting into our cells in the time period we do fast. So that, our body starts to burn stored fat and provide energy for us. For this process, our body produces more insulin. If we produce more insulin means our body becomes more efficient. Therefore, as a result of these activities, our body reduces blood sugar levels. These are also the positive results and benefits of this fast.

The 5 Day Fast can lower our Blood Pressure

As per the studies, doctors are sharing that 5Day Water Fasting Method can lower the blood pressure in our body. This is a piece of good news for patients who are struggling with high blood pressure.

experience sharing

Risks and Challenges of Weight Loss 5 Day Fast

Drinking water and just completing 5 days of water is not easy. We feel like we are weak. There will be a feeling of sickness. We may feel tired. Some people say they were having a headache.  These are the comfortabilities we face while we are practicing a 5-day water fast. 

Therefore, this is very serious. Losing muscle is one main disadvantage we face because of this fasting method. Furthermore, there will be some side effects of this fasting method. Due to the decrease in the glucose levels in our blood, we may have to face poor memory. This is a serious issue. As per the studies, we may have to face some problems with mental performance during the time period we practice fast. There are people who struggled with poor concentration levels during the fasting time period. This means we can’t engage with normal duties and responsibilities while we practice this method. Therefore, we have to be serious about these side effects. If we feel like, we cannot manage, we have to stop fast at that level.

listen to a doctor who experienced this method

Do you have confidence in your Body?

Let’s see why we give importance to getting ready for a fast or a stage of preparation. See, we have to have confidence in ourselves and our bodies. Does our body strong enough to face 5-day water fasting? Ask this question yourself.

Do not try Weight Loss 5 Day Fast if you are in one of these situations

Please do not try this method if you are suffering from any diseases, any sickness, or taking medicine daily for any health problem. This is not the right method especially for diabetic patients either. Because the sugar level is changing while we are doing fast. That will directly affect your health. Though you are overweighed, please do not try this if you are pregnant at the moment. Furthermore, please do not practice this method if you are a mother and do breastfeeding. 

How to successfully complete a Weight Loss 5 Day Fast

There are three main stages available to complete this weight loss 5-day Fasting method.

  1. The first one is the preparation stage for fast.
  2. The second step is the fasting stage.
  3. The final stage is breaking the fast.

Remember, all these three steps are equally important.

The First stage – Preparation Stage of Fast

The first stage starts fast. In this stage we getting ready for are slowly do the preparation. So, let’s study how to prepare our bodies for this fasting method. In this method, we are getting water only. Therefore, we can slowly cut our food from our daily practice. For example, we are taking three meals per day normally. So, as a start, we can cut one meal from our daily requirement and get only two meals per day.

We can try this once a week. Like that, you can do that next week. Once you do this for one month your body understands and gets familiar with having two meals per day.  Therefore, our comfortability during fasting hours or days will be minimum. While you are cutting a meal you can increase the amount you drink water during the fasting hours. Like this, you can gradually prepare for the real fasting method.

this method can be practiced even for ladies

The second stage – The fasting Stage

When we start this fasting, our body already has a pre-practice. Therefore, practicing fasting is easy than early. Now, we start having water but restrict all kinds of foods. But, this is not an easy feeling. Maybe we feel very hard to complete the first two days. That’s how the early experiences say. Normally, we have to face headaches and weakness after the second day of fast. That is very much important to listen to our bodies and pains as well. We have to be very much careful and sensitive about our bodies during these fasting 5 days.

Most importantly, we need to give a rest to our body during these fasting 5 days. One main tip for us to keep in mind is, that we must not think about foods and food experiences during these fasting 5 days. That is always helpful for us if we can stay positive and leisurely. Mindfulness is really important here. We can imagine how we can look after these 5 days of fast and keep hope in mind always. That mentality helps us to manage this fasting time period.

The Third Stage – Break the Fast

Break the fast is also really important as well as the starting point. Because we have to understand that the body is familiar with this fast. Therefore, we cannot just break the fast and start eating. That is not healthier either. So here, you can break the fast with soup. Because a soup is not very heavy. Easy to digest as well. Therefore, we can start with soup. For the time being, slowly we can start our normal food pattern. But, do not go for heavy foods at the beginning. That means do not go for fatty and high carbohydrate foods. Always try fruits and vegetables in the beginning.

Remember one thing. You are reaching does not mean you can eat anything at any time. If you eat limitlessly or overeating will gain weight. Therefore, reaching normal means, you can take meals only. Else, we will be in a problem and we are missing the benefits of the fast very soon. The best way is to have two small meals per day for the next two weeks just after completing 5 days fast.

he is sharing the mistakes he did


The Weight Loss 5 Day Fast is a method of reducing our body weight in a very short time period/ within 5 days using water. During the fasting time period, we are restricting our total food consumption and taking only water. This is the result-oriented method with good results. There are many benefits as well as risks. Anyway, I recommend this method only for healthy people. Please take proper approval from your doctor before you start this fast. Please follow all the steps completely if you practice this.

Summary of the Content

This article has covered the areas of following areas. Weight Loss 5 Day Fast, the Benefits, the risk and Challenge, and How to successfully complete a Weight Loss 5 Day Fast.

Special Note

Please do share your experience if you have already tried this method. Your comments are very much helpful for our readers. Thank you for visiting our page and thank you for reading this article. Do write your comments.

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