Weight Loss 8 Months & Maintain a Healthy Weight Ever

Weight Loss 8 Months & Maintain a Healthy Weight Ever

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There are different types of weight loss methods at present for us to achieve weight loss goals. Some are targeting immediate results. There are a few more methods focusing long term methods. Of course, that depends on our requirements. Anyway achieving and reach to a healthy weight is really important. The most important factor is how to maintain that healthy weight for the long term. That is the real challenge for us. Hence, today I am going to share some information about the weight loss 8 months goal and its long-term benefits of it.

Understanding Overweight first before starting Weight Loss 8 Months Journey

Obesity is not a sickness. But there are some health issues that lead to obesity. Therefore we have to meet a doctor and understand why we get obese. If there is a health issue, we have to get the proper treatment and medicine first. When we recover, the problem of obesity may not available to us. For example, there are some hormone changes that gain weight. There are some thyroid imbalances that lead us overweight too. Moreover, there are certain mental conditions like stress or depression which lead us to weight gain more and more. That is why I am mentioning here to meet a doctor first and confirm whether we have a health issue or not.

Biological or Genetic Reasons

If we don’t have a health issue we have to understand how and why we gain weight or are overweight. Because there are many reasons for working on this. For example, there may be some biological factors. Some people genetically gain weight more than others in society. So, we can study that. Look into ourselves and our family. If we have overweighed family members and relatives, we can understand that we have a biological connection with obesity. But don’t worry. Because we can minimize such issues with proper efforts. Okay.

all the family members are overweighted
All the family members are overweighted

Food Systems influenced on obese population

The changes in society matter for the overweighed population. For example, the food system has been developed as an industry. Therefore, we can see a large number of processed foods are available in the market and they are very much popular. Hence, the present generation is usually consuming all these processed food which is considered high-calorie foods. There are very rare people who prepare food at home.  Most of these processed foods available on the market are high in carbohydrates and fat. Therefore, we gain weight more and more.  

Habit of Overconsumption

Overconsumption is another matter in the USA. We eat our favorite food without keeping a limit. We use to eat them as a part of entertainment and never think about whether we felt hungry. Sometimes, our favorites may contain lots of carbohydrates and fat. Maybe we usually prefer and usually take high-calorie foods without knowing. On the other hand, these junk foods may not nutrients or healthy even. This is another reason for weight gain. As a result of these habits, we gain weight more and more and finally become overweight but unhealthy. Maybe we also have health issues as we do not take enough nutrient food but are overweight.

man and woman eating junk food
Man and woman eating junk food

Occupation and Behavior matter for obesity

Our activities and behaviors and the living pattern also influence obesity and overweight. Because all these factors shape our activities and decide how we behave and what we behave. Isn’t it?  I will make it simple. These activities are deciding the activities we do throughout the day. Our job or occupation also plays a great role here. Because we are shaping our behaviors in the daytime as per the role of our occupation.

Furthermore, the activities in our day-to-day activities matter. For example, how do we travel? Walking, by public transport, using vehicles,s, etc. Each way has its own usage of calories which is different from the other. Simply, what we do and how many calories we use for these activities are shaping our figure and body weight. For example, if you travel by vehicle and do an office job, you are a person who sits for hours each day. Hence, you don’t burn many calories from your body. You may be working using your brain, computer, etc. But, there are fewer physical activities you do to burn the calories in your daily life. Like this, what we do during the daytime in our life, as job or normal behavior decides our obesity and body weight.

A overweighted person sitting in the office
A overweighted person sitting in the office

Weight Loss 8 Months Journey & How to Maintain Healthy Weight

As per the specialists we need to go for long-term programs when we trying to reduce our body weight in a healthy and safe manner. According to the studies, they say that it would be great if we can go for a one-year weight management intervention.

Role of Diet

We can reduce the calorie we take through our meals. It would be great if you can prepare your food at home. For that, we can take smaller meals. Most importantly, do not miss breakfast. That is important for our health. We must take it without missing it.  As we know, high carbohydrate and high-fat foods are providing more calories. Therefore, we can minimize carbohydrates and fat. As an alternative to carbohydrates and fat, we can get more lean proteins and get energy for our bodies. Skip from fast foods as possible as you can.

Check Your Weight

We can be concerned about our weight even after achieving our weight goals. After that, we have to check our weight from time to time. Then only we can understand whether we are maintaining a healthy weight or understand whether we are gaining weight again. Therefore, continuous monitoring of weight is really important for maintaining our weight for a long time. 

check the weight
Check the weight

Make yourself Hopeful

Take a photo of yourself the first day you decide to start your weight loss journey. After that take one photo per month. You can see your progress. Compare your progress after 8 months. This will be a good motivation for you to achieve the weight loss goals and to maintain that for a long time after achieving a healthy weight.

Hobbies can contribute to Weight Loss Goals

Everyone has their own hobbies. But here, we can use our hobbies for our weight loss purpose. Simply, we can start a few hobbies which bring more physical activities or which can burn more and more calories. See. Here we are entertaining but we are burning calories. This is how we can go for a healthy weight while we are enjoying life.  

You can start swimming, biking, tennis, badminton, dancing, hiking, and many more. All these hobbies are using high calories. Therefore, we can burn calories and reduce weight through these hobbies.  

Woman swimming  for weight loss
Women swimming for weight loss

Mindfulness helps Weight Loss

Why mindfulness is mentioned here? Yes. It is. As I mentioned early, there are some people who gain weight due to the stress or depression they face during the past few years. The hormones help to gain weight when we are under stress. Therefore, we must think about mindfulness. If we can keep our minds calm without stress, we can change those hormones without any medicine and in a normal way. That means, our hormones automatically work in a normal way if we practice mindfulness. Therefore, try to practice a simple meditation a few times per week.  

In addition, normally people use to eat more, overconsumption or eat without hunger when they are under stress or when they are suffering from a problem. This is called emotional eating. This means this is not a biological requirement. People eat because of their mental or emotional conditions. This practice leads us to weight gain. Because we eat unnecessary without hunger. We can minimize these practices, if we practice meditation and keep ourselves at peace. That is why mindfulness is important here.

Meditation for weight loss
Meditation for weight loss

How to Deal with Emotional Issues

There are social groups created with the hope of improving the health care of the community. For example, diabetes Prevention, Weight management, etc. If you can join such groups, you will get the motivation from the group members to main a healthy weight.

Always do not read or listen to the failures or negative cases. This will make you demotivated. Therefore, always keep your mind positive, motivated,d and hopeful.

How to Deal with Physical Issues

Our behaviors are really important for maintaining a healthy weight. If we are targeting long-term results or maintaining a healthy weight, we have to change our behaviors accordingly. Therefore, we can increase our physical activities as much as we can while we manage our daily responsibilities. Let’s make it our lifestyle or life pattern rather than an effort for reducing weight. That’s how we can maintain our healthy weight lifetime. What I mean is these changes must happen naturally. We can do this by enjoying life. Else physical activities are not a punishment for us.

exercise will make you fit and energetic while it helps to weight loss

Conclusion of Weight Loss 8 Months

Obesity may be a mental and physical condition that makes you stressed and uncomfortable. But, be patient, take time and go for a long-term solution. That is healthy. Maintaining a healthy weight for a lifetime is also important as well as achieving a healthy weight. Therefore, please understand the reason behind our obesity and follow the steps which have been introduced here for a long-term weight loss experience. Do not treat weight loss effort as a headache. We can simply lose our weight and enjoy a healthy weight for a lifetime once we accept the positive changes in our behaviors, lifestyle, and recommended food culture. Therefore, I would like to invite you for a happy journey where we can enjoy life as well as maintain a healthy weight.

Summary of Weight Loss 8 Months

this article will let you Understanding Overweight first before starting the Weight Loss 8 Months Journey. Further, the article explains the Biological or Genetic Reasons, and how Food Systems influenced on obese population, the Habit of Overconsumption, Occupation, and Behavior matter for obesity. After that, this article is sharing with you the Weight Loss 8 Months Journey & How to Maintain Healthy Weight. There we have explained the Role of Diet, Check Your Weight, How Hobbies can contribute to Weight Loss Goals, How Mindfulness helps Weight Loss, How to Deal with Emotional Issues, How to Deal with Physical Issues, and a conclusion.

Special Note

Thank you for visiting our website and Thank you for reading us. Do comment if you have a success story to share with us. Such case studies are most welcome. That will help our readers as well.

Further Readings and Links

Here I am sharing a link with you. This is an inspirational video of a lady who lost weight within 8 months. click here

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