Weight Loss 9 Weeks

Weight Loss 9 Weeks & Lifetime Benefits

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Can we reach our healthy weight within 9 weeks? I can’t believe this. Here, I am going to share some important information about the weight Loss 9 weeks process. Moreover, this article will help you to maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime.

Weight Loss 9 weeks & how important is how you look

Weight loss 9 weeks is a very popular topic at present. Because the majority of our population are under obesity and overweight. That is why the health authorities are talking about this topic. We must understand that being overweight or obese is not only a problem of appearance simply. Being overweight invites many health issues. That’s why we need to give an important focus on this.

There are many reasons for obesity and having an overweight body. They are as follows.

  • Genetics
  • Hormone changes
  • Metabolism conditions
  • Medications we have taken during the recent past
  • Less Physical activities
  • Bad food habits
Bad food Habits

 What are The Benefits of Losing Weight?

This is an important question. Because we will feel motivated if we know the benefits of weight loss. Here, we mean maintaining a healthy weight by weight loss. To maintain a healthy weight, we have to reduce our body weight, as we are overweighed. Hope you got my point.

Weight Loss is not about just reducing some kilograms from our body weight. That helps our social life, physical health, and psychological health as well.

Benefits for Social Life

Reducing weight can improve our mobility and make us easy to travel. We do not feel tired easily when we actively engage in our social responsibilities. Therefore, weight loss supports managing our social responsibilities and enjoying our social life too.

Benefits for Social Life
Benefits for Social Life

Benefits for Physical Health

The majority of the joint pains are arising due to the overweight. Especially, most of the overweighed ladies are suffering from knee pains. We will be free from such joint pains and knee pains when we maintain a healthy weight. On the other hand, most of the overweighed and fat people are suffering from back pain. Therefore, reducing body weight and maintaining a healthy weight means, we are free from back pains too. There are a considerable number of the overweighed older population who suffer from Osteoarthritis. As per the studies, there is a relationship between obesity and overweighed older population with osteoarthritis. Therefore, you are reducing weight up to BMI means, you are safe from osteoarthritis too.   

Moreover, losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of heart problems and stroke too. This is very important. The studies say that reducing weight can reduce blood pressure too. One of the most important benefits of reducing weight is, that helps us to maintain cholesterol levels in a healthy manner. Most importantly, fasting once in a while and diet plans as well as maintaining a healthy weight help us to prevent different kinds of cancers. As per the studies, losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight can improve the sugar levels in our blood and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Benefits for Psychological Health

Reducing weight helps us to enjoy better sleep. That is much important for maintaining a comfortable mindset and stress-less mind. More than that, reducing weight and doing exercise will support people to be safe from depression too. We feel energetic through exercise. On the other hand, the hormones work positively while we do the exercise. Furthermore, we feel confident about ourselves when we lose weight and when we feel fit. That is important for keeping a good personality and moving in society. As per the studies, maintaining a healthy weight can improve our sex life too. If we are maintaining a healthy weight, our appearance will be more attractive and look good. That feeling let us feel proud of ourselves too. Simply we feel fit, energetic, and active.

Benefits for Psychological Health
Benefits for Psychological Health

How to deal with Stress under Weight Loss 9 weeks process

Stress is one main reason for weight gain. At the same time stress is one main reason for not reducing weight though you try different weight loss methods. Therefore, we would like to discuss stress in this chapter.

emotional eating Vs Stress

Stress & Weight Gain

There is a very strong relationship between being overweight and stress. As per the studies of Elizabeth Scott, the stress in our minds can significantly impact us and our ability to keep a healthy weight.  Most dangerous thing is, that stress can prevent us from losing weight though we try many methods. There is a hormone that is unhealthy for us. The name of the hormone is Cortisol. These hormones work when we have stress and have the behaviors of stress-induced activities with us. So, what are the stress-induced behaviors? Whenever this two mix and work together, we will gain more and more weight. 

Emotional eating is one main issue we do when we suffer from this situation. Our mind always asks us to eat more and more than we require. As we are under stress, we need food immediately and do not pre-plan. Therefore, we always go for fast food.

On the other hand, we do not exercise when we suffer from stress. Normally, people who suffer from stress prefer to be alone and stay calm. The majority of them do not do any activity and just keep thinking of sitting somewhere alone. Therefore, there is less physical activity we do, less exercise but huge consumption of food. Some skip meals. That is also worst. All these things are very much unhealthy. These behaviors make us more and more weight gain.

How to Manage Stress

First of all, we have to realize that we are under stress and we have to have a needfulness to minimize such situations. The best solution is doing exercise. Doing exercise will help us to manage the weight while it helps to manage the stress as well. Moreover, try to engage in certain hobbies such as Yoga, reading books, enjoying music, or walking.

The second solution is to eat healthy and colorful foods. Healthy foods will make us full and healthy while colors make us satisfied for a long time. This will stop the overconsumption of meals. Mindful eating can minimize emotional eating. Anyway, we have to keep a record of what we eat. That guides us about our food patterns. This will work as a self-monitoring guide. Some people call this a food journal. Some others call it food dairy. Once you maintain this for 9 weeks, you are familiar with it and after that, you will continue these by habit.

Remember to take more water as well. Whenever you feel hungry, drink water first before you start eating. That habit will automatically limit your food scale.  

Take enough sleep daily.

mind # weight loss # stress

Weight Loss 9 weeks & Common Weight Loss Problems

If we need to complete a successful weight loss program, we have to understand which method is best for us considering the requirements and possibilities. So that, study and understand different methods first. After that select the best method for you to practice.

3 hours diet – click here

2-day weight loss method – click here

Intermittent fasting – click here

2 meal method – click here

Read more about which food helps weight loss – click here

Read more about which fruit helps weight loss – click here

How to Stay Motivated throughout the weight loss 9 weeks process

There is one thing we have to realize. We cannot feel good, in the beginning. As with everything, it is very hard to adjust. So, we feel hard, uncomfortable, and stressed. But we have to be patient at the beginning. Every meal plan or weight loss plan has its own hit time period. We can see the best results during those days. Therefore, we get motivation during that time. But, after some, there will be a slow and rough time period. Understanding these, keeping the motivation is really important to complete our weight loss goals. Please never give up.    

Set goals for reducing weight is important. Here we have to make realistic goals. When we have a goal, that’s easy for us to move rather than try without a plan. Simply, when we have a goal, we know where we go and where to stop. Keep a record and observe your progress continuously.

We have to calculate the calorie we take per day through meals. Therefore we have to be concerned about food and its content of food. Accordingly, we have to limit the calorie we get. This is a long-term process to continue. Moreover, doing exercise is a must. That is very much important for reducing weight and that is important to maintain an energetic body too. Therefore, exercise is also a must along with a healthy diet plan.

Conclusion of Weight Loss 9 weeks

Take more proteins. Minimize carbohydrates.  Select quality and healthy foods. Breakfast is a must. Avoid processed foods. Do exercise and hobbies. Drink more water. Avoid alcohol and sugary beverages too. If you have health issues such as hypothyroidism, please take proper treatments as soon as possible. Such sickness makes us weight gain. Please do not stop all these practices after9 weeks or do not stop these practices once you reach a healthy weight. Do continue and practice a healthy lifestyle in your life to maintain a healthy weight forever.

Summary of Weight Loss 9 Weeks

This article covers the following areas. Weight Loss 9 weeks & how important is how you look, what are The Benefits of Losing Weight? Benefits for Social Life, Benefits for Physical Health, Benefits for Psychological Health, How to deal with Stress, Stress & Weight Gain, How to manage Stress, Weight Loss 9 weeks & How to deal with Common Weight Loss Problems, How to Stay Motivated throughout the weight loss 9 weeks process and conclusion.

Special Note

Thank you for visiting our website and thank you for reading us. We are trying our best to share something new in each article ad trying not to repeat the facts. Please do share your success stories and your experiences in your weight loss journey. Your comments will be helpful for the readers. Do suggest the best methods as per your experiences.

Further Readings about Weight Loss 9 weeks

Read the research and publications of the World Health Organization on Doing What Matters in Times of stress. This publication shares information about the relationship between stress and weight loss. Click here.  

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