Why Weight Loss is Hard? Here are The Reasons

Why Weight Loss is Hard? Here are The Reasons

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Obesity and overweight are one of the main challenges all over the world. There are many methods for reducing weight too. But, losing weight is not an easy and simple task. Therefore, many of the overweighed population get stressed and lose their motivation. Here, I am sharing some main information for you to understand why weight loss is hard for us in this article.

Obesity and Overweight

Let’s make it our priority for losing weight if we are overweighed. That is one of the important jobs at present as the majority of the population in the world is suffering from this including the US. As every one of us knows maintaining an overweighed body for a long time will lead to many health issues such as diabetes, heart problems, arthritis and knee pain, etc. Understanding the threads, let’s reduce our body weight and maintain a healthy weight for a longer time.  

why weight loss is hard

We can try many methods for weight loss. I would like to mention here that, I have published a few articles on this.

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Anyway losing weight is not easy. Of cause it’s a challenge and we have to make an honest effort on this. When it comes to the weight loss process, it is providing different results for different people. For example, some of us can get easy results. That means some of us can reduce some kilograms easily. But some another have to make a hard effort to lose a few kilograms. Therefore let’s see why. 

losing weight over 40 is harder

Reasons for Why Weight Loss is hard

I am sharing here some of the main reasons for not receiving good results in our weight loss process. These facts are very much important. Please check whether you also have one of them.

Brain effects on weight gain and weight loss  

There is a connection between the brain and weight. How? Every one of us has a part in the brain called the hypothalamus. Normally, our hypothalamus can control our hunger, thirst, the temperature of our body, and many other feelings. This hypothalamus has a connection for changing the hormones too. Here, our weight is controlled by the interaction between the two. Those are the hormones and neurons which is in our hypothalamus.

Therefore, these hormones can make us decide on our food. For example, these hormones can let us feel satisfied and full with limited food or more food. These hormones can influence us on the scale of food we take. On the other side, they can let us feel hunger more. Therefore, these feelings can gain weight as well as lose weight. Hence, these feelings influence our weight. That’s why we are saying the brain can affect our weight loss programs and its changes in a positive and negative way. These biological reasons affect our weight loss efforts. Simply, if we have a problem with this process, that is one of a reason for us for making a hard effort on weight loss. Else that is one of the reasons for receiving smaller results for a large effort.

Brain effects on weight gain and weight loss
Brain effects on weight gain and weight loss

Hormone Imbalance  

We have to control the hormones for weight loss. There are two hormones as I mention early. One of them is leptin. The other one is ghrelin. One provides the signals for our brain saying we are satisfied or full. The other one stimulates our hunger.

As per the studies, this process is not working properly if there is any hormone imbalance in our bodies. That is caused weight gain too. Therefore, we are gaining weight more and more as a result of this hormone imbalance. Sometimes, we may not aware of his health issue and we may not take any medication for this health problem.

In such a situation, weight loss is not an easy task for us. Though we reduce weight with a very hard effort, our body regains weight within a very short period in such a situation. We are trying to lose weight. That means we are working against our own bodies. Isn’t it?

Do not have the right Tools for Weight Loss

There are many fasting methods that guide us to reduce weight within a very short period by cutting the calories we take through food per day. Anyway, those people who reduced their body weight through this, easily gain back. But there are certain comments on this method too.

For example, here is what The Director of Science and Research at the American Council on Exercise says. She says that our metabolism starts working slowly when we cut the calories. As per her studies, we will lose muscle when we reduce our weight fast. That makes a problem. Because muscles are considered the engine of our metabolism system. Therefore, she rejects overeating and she rejects too little eating as well. As per their studies of them, both methods are extremes that are not healthy.   

Night Sleep affects your Weight Loss

Some of you may have work hours at night. There may be other young people who are engaged in academic and higher studies. Therefore they study at late night and do not get enough sleep at night. On the other hand, there are people who suffer from sleeping disorders as well. The majority of the population is living with a busy work schedule. Therefore they work even at night. There are a small number of people who has depression and cannot sleep at night due to their conditions of mental health.

All these reasons are justifiable. But, this is not a healthy practice. That cause gain weight too. It would be great if you can manage the work in the daytime and sleep at night. Sleeping at least 06 hours per day at night is a must. It would be better if you can sleep 08 hours. The best thing is Time Management.

Night Sleep affects your Weight Loss
Night Sleep affects your Weight Loss

Take Care of your Mental Health

As per the studies, depression makes us weight gain. Therefore trying to reduce weight without treating depression may not work. On the other hand, People used to overeat without knowing when they are suffering from mental issues, stress, or hopelessness. All these habits lead to weight gain. After some time, we are overweighed as a result of these behaviors. This is called Emotional habits or emotional eating.

I believe that a counselor can help us in this situation. Most importantly, I am mentioning here, that if you are suffering from any of these problems, please take proper treatments while you trying to reduce weight. Else, controlling food or exercise will not work for our weight loss goals.  

Do not have the right Motivation

We do not have the honest and right motivation for losing weight, reaching a healthy weight limit, and maintaining that. Therefore, we try and give up our goals after some time. This is one simple but biggest mistake we mostly do. Some people give up once they receive a small result. Some other people give up once they do not receive a good result in the beginning as they wish. Both are equal mistakes.

Why Weight Loss is hard; Challengers

I am sharing two main challenges with you which are mainly the influence on weight and weight loss process. Without understanding these challenges, we can’t go for a long time with healthy weight goals.

Regain weight within a short period

There is another challenge. People make a hard effort and finally they reduce their weight within a very short period. But, the real challenge is, that they can’t continue that healthy weight and they regain back again. The regaining process is also very fast. Hence, there must be a proper way of reducing weight. After that, there must be a proper way of maintaining our healthy weight for a longer period too. 

Family History

There are certain biological and genetic factors affecting weight gain. That means, Family history also influences obesity. In simple words, this means, that if your family members such as parents and grandparents are obese, there is a possibility for you to reach obesity easily based on genetics. But, do not worry about this. Because that does not mean you can’t reduce your body weight. Definitely, you can reduce your body weight and maintain a healthy weight if you are trying an honest effort. Okay.

Why Weight Loss is Hard, Tips for maintaining a healthy weight for a lifetime

Here, I am sharing some very simple tips, but very much important ones. If you practice these tips, you can maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime. Hence, let’s apply them as a part of your life.

Change your Food Pattern

I have to mention here that one diet doesn’t fit all of us. Therefore, we have understood ourselves, our bodies, and our possibilities. After that, we have to plan our food. Okay.

Rather than limiting our foods and calories for a few days, just to reduce a few kilograms, let’s go for an honest effort. That means I would like to invite you for reducing weight and then maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime. Therefore, let’s go for a lifestyle change. Okay. That will help you to enjoy your healthy weight in your lifetime. Hence, be strong to Skip unhealthy food and junk food.

It would be helpful if you can prepare your healthy food at home. Limit eating from outside too. Remember, the scale of our food matters for weight. Therefore, be smart to manage your meals—concerned with nutrients, scale, and calories too. The best thing is to Keep a food journal hereafter. Hence, your meal is planned. You can’t eat whatever you think. If you have a food journal, your foods are automatically controlled. This can avoid your overeating too.  

Reading food labels is important for us. Because we are aware of what we take. Choose less sugar and fewer calorie foods whenever you buy them. At last, I would like to say enjoy your healthy food. Because Feel satisfies is important. Hence, prepare a healthy but colorful attractive meal always.

Change your Food Pattern
Change your Food Pattern

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Change Your Movements

Our active behavior in our life can help us on losing weight and help us to maintain a healthy weight throughout in lifetime. Therefore, always try to plan your life accordingly and purposefully.

Exercise is an important factor that can help us with weight loss. Not only for weight loss, but exercise will support us to maintain our healthy weight goals for a longer period too. Moreover, exercise can make us happy, fit, energetic, and motivated while it helps to reduce weight. More than a requirement for reducing weight, just practice that daily for at least 30 minutes per day. After that, exercise will be a part of your life.

Select a few hobbies which you can do for entertainment while you lose weight. Swimming, biking, dance, Yoga, walking, and playing team games are some of the examples. Enjoy your life, be active and live a healthy life using these Tips.

Spend with a Supportive Environment

Weight loss goal is hard if you’re Family or your environment is not supportive of your weight loss process. Therefore, you have to prepare such an environment at home purposefully. After that, you can maintain that in your lifetime.  

Moreover, join a social group where you can receive motivation for your healthy weight Goals. You can share your achievements with members of health groups, discuss common challenges and learn from others how to manage the challengers too.  

Goal Setting

Please meet a professional. Check your height and weight. After that, you can understand, how many kilograms you have to lose to reach a healthy weight level. Don’t hurry. Please be kind enough to make realistic goals for weight loss. That will help you to implement the weight loss process. Moreover, such a Realistic goal can keep you motivated as well.

Be Healthy

Our medical treatments and medicines can make changes in our hormones. Therefore we have to understand that. Some people gain weight as a side effect of their medication too. Therefore, living a healthy life is important. If we do not take medicine, we don’t have to face such issues. Always understand the risk before we get sick and work on that prevention. That’s better than taking medicine after a health issue. Believe me, majority of the health issues can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle.

Special Note about Why Weight Loss is Hard 

We are thankful to you for reading our article and visiting our website. We hope that we could assist you and help you. Please share your ideas as well as your experiences too. That will be helpful for our readers. Moreover, do mention if you have anything to add here.  

Further Readings of Why Weight Loss is hard  

If you prefer to read more about how can you reduce weight through exercise, refer to the research publications at American Council on Exercise. 

Read the publications of the National Weight Control Registry of the USA where we can find many studies on weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.

Journal of the American Medical Association is another important source for you. This Institution continuously shares publications related to health care. Hence, we can find research about the biological reasons for weight gain and weight loss here.

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