Weight Loss Kidney Disease

Weight Loss Kidney Disease & Recovering Secrets

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Most of the time I share information related to weight loss. But today we are talking about kidney diseases. Why? Because overweight and obesity have a relationship with many health problems. Overweighed body is inviting many risks. Today you will understand the relationship between weight loss kidney disease and Obesity.

Weight Loss Kidney Disease and Overweight

Everyone talks about kidney issues as it’s dangerous health issues. Kidney diseases are directly influenced by urine and its function. Normally, kidneys are not filtering urine or waste if the kidneys are not working properly.   But our question, as a normal person, How can we know whether we have kidney problems or not? No. we cannot say that without checking. We have to check certain checkups for that to identify the issues such as urine tests, blood tests, CT scans, etc.  As per the doctors, we can only observe the problem after the kidney problem has progressed. Then, we are late and we have to go to a specialist as soon as possible.

Doctors can normally predict Kidney Disease based on the symptoms and many other things. Here is the most important fact. There, being overweight is a predictor for them. Moreover, being overweight is a predictor of progression to kidney failure too. Hence, we can understand one important thing. That is the relationship between overweight and kidneys.   

As per the experts and researchers, there is a relationship between being overweight and kidney problems. They have found that the possibility of kidney failure is very much high among overweight people who are suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease. The recovery rate is high when the patients are maintaining their healthy weight. Therefore, we have to understand the importance of weight.

general knowledge about CKD

Causes for Kidney Disease

It is important to understand what are the causes of kidney disease. Therefore let’s know about its causes. Understanding the causes, we have tried our best to prevent kidney disease. That is the value of reading this chapter.


Normally, our kidneys have a duty to do in our body. As you know our kidneys take care of filtering the urea. See, what will happen if our kidneys are not healthy? This process is not working properly whenever the kidneys fail to do this.  That influences insulin too. Finally, this condition invites diabetics. That is very much dangerous. Because, if a person is having a weak kidney with diabetics means, all these reasons may lead to chronic kidney disease. Hence, we have to understand that all these conditions and health issues are interlinked.

High Blood Pressure

Be careful if you are a patient with high blood pressure. Because each health problem has interconnected conditions. Such conditions may lead to another health problem. Here is also the same. Experts in the health sector have found that high blood pressure is one of the main causes of chronic kidney disease. On the other hand, high blood pressure is considered one of the main symptoms of kidney problems. Therefore, take proper medication and regular treatments from a qualified professional doctor, if you are suffering from high blood pressure.

Symptoms of Kidney Diseases

Symptoms of a health issue help us to understand sickness. Though kidney disease is not providing symptoms in the beginning, I would like to share the common symptoms of kidney Diseases.

The breath of a patient who suffers from kidney disease is very short. The kidney patient feels easily tired. Quality sleep is a dream for a patient who suffers from kidney disease. They can’t sleep easily. Hormone imbalances and drug interactions also can happen for kidney patients. Furthermore, dehydration and malnutrition are also symptoms of kidney issues. Less desire for sexual activities can be seen in kidney patients. Kidney patients’ breath is more likely to be ammonia. 

warnings of kidney issues

Heart Disease

Heart disease is itself a challenge. But, more than that, heart disease is one of the leading causes of kidney disease as well. This is very serious. See, do you think that we can have enough blood if our kidneys and heart, both are not working properly? This is the tread. As per the studies, there is a trend even for death if a patient with kidney disease has to face heart disease. Therefore, this is a huge challenge.  


What is anemia? It means we do not have enough oxygen, red blood cells, and many more. Simply we are weak and not healthy. Some people suffer from colds all the time as a result of this anemia condition. Anemia is also a very complicated factor in the case of kidney diseases.

Pain in the lower back

Please be sensitive to these symptoms. If you feel like you have pain in the side continuously, meet a doctor. Sometimes the pain may be in the mid to lower back. There are people who have a kidney problem but only one kidney. In such a situation, pain can occur on one side where the bad kidney is available. Furthermore, the conditions like kidney stones can also give pain. Anyway, be aware that these pains have a connection with kidney disease.

Risks Associated with Obesity and Kidney Disease

There are different stages of kidney problems. In a final stage like a Kidney transplant, the doctors have to do advanced surgery and advanced treatments for the patient. For example kidney dialysis. Hence, if the kidney patient is overweighed, the treatments are more difficult and risky too. Even after all these treatments, there can be many health complications for the patient.

Risks Associated with Obesity and Kidney Disease
Risks Associated with Obesity and Kidney Disease

Accordingly, reducing weight and maintaining that healthy weight for a lifetime is really important for kidney patients.

As per the research of the experts, maintaining an overweight body for a long time can increase the risk. Risk for what? Risk of kidney Diseases and many other health issues. This is really a big challenge. The doctors are sharing that our lifetime risk of kidney disease can be increased by 25% if we are overweight.  

Obesity, Kidney Disease, and risk of developing Heart Disease

There are fewer complications of heart issues for kidney patients if they can maintain a healthy weight than the kidney patients who are overweighed. As per the studies, the risk of getting a stroke or the possibility of facing a stroke is less if the kidney patients are maintaining a healthy weight.     

Benefits of Weight Loss for Kidney Disease

I have mentioned the risk of maintaining an overweighed body when we suffer from kidney diseases. Furthermore, all the health experts are recommending and advising to maintain a healthy weight for kidney patients. They warn overweighed patients and try their best to reduce the weight of kidney patients. Therefore, weight loss is a must.

Moreover, there are many benefits for kidney patients if they could reduce their weight and they could maintain a healthy weight. The main benefit of weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight is that kidney patients can live longer than kidney patients who are suffering from being overweight. Weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight can minimize the risk of diabetes, heart problems, and many other health issues which are interlinked with kidney diseases.

yoga for kidneys

Weight loss and Weight Gain with Kidney Diseases 

Though it is difficult to identify the symptoms of kidney diseases in the beginning, weight is one of the important factors. This is a problem. Losing weight or gaining weight is a well-planned process to do purposefully. It takes a certain time period. If we are losing or gaining quickly means there is a health issue. Further, that can invite many health complications too.  

As per the studies, we can see that there will be weight loss in the early stages of kidney diseases. That is very common among kidney patients. But, there are some other kidney patients too who gain weight. Because there can be a water gain as their weak kidneys have already stopped filtering excess fluid. Further, some people gain weight when they are suffering from kidney issues. Because the fluid management is not working properly. As our kidneys cannot filter blood in a perfect manner when we have a kidney problem.

Tips for Weight Loss and Kidney Health

Regular Exercise is important to factor in weight loss as well as minimizing the worst condition of kidney diseases too. Try your best to exercise at least a few times per week. It is better if you can do exercise for half an hour per day.

exercise for kidney

As we have discussed earlier, Losing Weight if you are overweighed is very much important for kidney problems. I can say, that is a must. Therefore, always try to reduce and maintain a healthy weight.

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Food is important. We have to be healthy. Therefore concerned about what we take. Take a Healthy & Balance Food. As a kidney patient, you can especially focus to practice kidney-friendly food.  

about food under kidney issues

Which toast is best for weight loss click here.

Which type of rice is good for weight loss to click here.  

food for kidney issues

Family Support

Family Support is very much important for a kidney patient. Making a relaxed and positive environment is a must. On the other hand, your family can support your treatments and make you motivated. Family can be concerned about your health and prepare food which is helping for your health conditions. If you have family support for such food, that will become a food pattern of your family. 

You have to Avoid Alcohol and Avoid Smoking at this moment. Because you can’t play with kidney issues. Doctors are not recommending even a smaller amount of these practices.

For kidney diseases, you have to control the consumption of salt though you prefer. Limit salt to 1 teaspoon a day.

Rather than adjust for a short time period, understanding the conditions of kidney disease we can go for a lifestyle Change which is supporting to kidneys.

Do not go for fast weight loss or weight gain. Sit with a doctor and go for a Weight Management Plan. Therefore, reduce your weight and try to maintain your healthy weight for a lifetime. That is important.

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Special Note on Weight Loss Kidney Disease

Thank you for reading our article. Do share your feedback. We invite your response if you are overweighed or if you are a kidney patient. Such ideas may important to our readers.  

water for kidneys

Further Readings on Weight Loss Kidney Disease

Weight loss exercises for kidney patients

Kidney Friendly foods

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Will weight loss help knee pain click here

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