7 Health Dimensions of Wellness

7 Health Dimensions of Wellness in Simple

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It is important to understand the meaning of wellness. This is not just simply the absence of disease. That is about our choices, actions, and intentions too. Such intentions and choices are leading to the optimum level in our living standards rather than living or surviving until die. Most importantly, Wellness is a dynamic and conscious development of ourselves. So, today we are inviting you to understand the concept of wellness correctly and the 7 health dimensions of wellness in this article.   

What is the Meaning of Wellness

The majority of our population think wellness is maintaining physical health. No, this is a deep and great concept. But, maintaining physical health is just one dimension of wellness. Therefore, we have to understand that we can achieve great wellness if we follow the right path only. Without continuous practice and making an effort we cannot achieve such growth in our life. In short, we can say that Wellness is the development of whole our self. Simply, wellness is a perfect concept of looking at our life in a macro view with the full integration of each dimension which is leading to a quality life.

what is wellness

7 Health Dimensions of Wellness

The concept of wellness has seven dimensions which have their own contribution to making a quality life for us. Anyway, all other dimensions are connected to each other. Hence, we do not care about one, then that affects all other dimensions directly or indirectly. Finally, our status of well-being becomes unbalanced as an individual.

understand wellness

7 Health Dimensions of Wellness; Physical Wellness

If we are talking about physical wellness, we also can study more about it such as how to maintain nutrition using food patterns, how to keep our fitness using exercise, how to maintain healthy blood pressure, how to manage our body weight, etc. Simply, maintaining good physical health needs healthy food patterns, healthy behaviors, healthy movements, healthy life patterns, lifestyle, etc. Moreover, we have to avoid and skip bad food habits, unhealthy living styles, and alcohol abuse with the hope of having a healthy life. Isn’t it? We also have to understand and identify the symptoms of our diseases and then we have to meet a health professional. Proper medicine and treatment are really important for recovery. We may also have to get relevant medical checkups as per the guidance of our health practitioner.

Most important thing is, to prevent sickness. Hence, we have to have a healthy lifestyle and practices. All these points are considered under the topic of physical health.    

exercise happily

7 Health Dimensions of Wellness; Mental Wellness

Mental wellness is really a very important factor. Some researchers and professionals use this point as emotional wellness. We are considering how we think, behave and act for the people, situations,s, and conditions. If we are mentally well, we can manage any of the above occasions without any conflict. The feeling of happiness, feeling of shy, anger, fear, sadness, stress, etc. are emotions we focus under this chapter.

Tips for emotion management

We can work in different subject areas under mental wellness topics. For example, that is under mental wellness programs if we can work on the prevention of suicide. Self-care awareness and programs are also under the category of mental wellness. Understanding the mood and anxiety and handling are also very important under this subject. Mental wellness is also focused on stress management. Satisfaction and supporting each other are also one of the main points that we can focus on under mental wellness. Here we are studying how to handle emotions in a professional way and use these for a better society. Hence, this is a very much interesting and important subject area which we need to study properly. 

7 Health Dimensions of Wellness; Social Wellness

Our ability to interact with the global community in a successful manner represents the concept of social wellness. Hence, social wellness refers that the capacity of fulfilling our expectations, purposes, demands, and dreams in our life. Accordingly, we have to develop our hard skills and soft skills to interact with the community. Moreover, social wellness talks about the importance of developing the network, connections, relationships,s, and intimacy within society. The social service, social responsibility, contribution, and support which we can provide to the community are highly appreciated under social wellness. Most importantly, social wellness also considers the respecting self while we respect society and its members. Hence, this is very interesting, very important and a great ideology that we have to study more and more.    

a friendly network

7 Health Dimensions of Wellness; Financial Wellness

Now we are trying to understand financial wellness. To be very honest, we need to have a good financial establishment and good financial wellness for taking care of overall wellness. Hence we have to balance the financial establishment and our personal, academic, professional, or business goals. If we do not have a balance, that negatively affects all other dimensions of wellness. Hence, this component is very much important.   

7 Health Dimensions of Wellness; Spiritual Wellness

The spiritual dimension also uses as an intellectual dimension. If our mind is healthy we can see our creativity. Our motivation and inspirations are belongs to this chapter. Just like our body, our mind also needs movements and exercise to improve. Just like our tiredness, we also need to give an opportunity for our mind to relax, get rest if that is tired or stressed, and refresh after some time. If we can treat our spirit in such a healthy manner, we always can receive the best creativity, productions, ideas, and best feelings.

Therefore spiritual wellness plays a great role in our life. Each one of us has our own set of beliefs and value systems in our life as a person, as a family, or as a social group. We have our own principles too which may be different from individual to individual, family to family, or society to society. All these things are under the spiritual dimension of wellness.  Mindfulness, peace, and harmony with society are highly appreciated under spiritual wellness. 

7 Health Dimensions of Wellness; Environmental Wellness

Now, let’s understand Environmental wellness. What do we concern under this? Simply, it is about the earth and Mother Nature. The positive and negative effect of our activities on nature is also a popular topic we can study under environmental wellness. We are concerned about how to enjoy our life with optimum harmony with our mother nature. Moreover, we are focusing on how to minimize the harm to our environment. Hence, environmental wellness appreciates the activities, programs, services, concepts, ideologies, and all the great efforts with the hope of protecting the environment on this earth.     

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7 Health Dimensions of Wellness; Vocational Wellness

Here we are going to understand vocational wellness. Some professionals use it for Occupational Wellness. So, here we are focusing on the improvement and progress of the quality of our life. Moreover, the improvement of skills and talents which is related to our professional life in order to achieve your targets and goals are under this topic. The satisfaction of our professional life and occupation is most important which we discuss under this sector. We are considering how to develop our commitment to our profession or business under occupational wellness. Developing employer, customer, and employee satisfaction is an important point we focus on as occupational wellness. Simply it’s all about the enrichment of our life through profession, Rewarding our vocational goals, and successfully integrating and satisfying with our occupational life.  

occupational wellness


Understanding the different dimensions of wellness may help you to improve your quality of the life. Do understand the interconnectivity of each other. Hence, if we could not balance each, we may have to face trouble and that trouble finally may affect all other dimensions back. Therefore understanding the Importance of each dimension, it is our responsibility to make our life a quality one.   

Special Note

We hope we could help you to understand the meaning of wellness and to understand the 7 dimensions of wellness in a very simple way. Thank you for reading us. Please do comment on your feedback.

Further Readings

If you prefer to know about the definitions, International standards, and Annual Reports on Health and Wellness, please refer to the official website of the World Health Organization (WHO)  

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