How Often To Eat When Losing Weight

How Often To Eat When Losing Weight, Latest 16/8 Method

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Keeping good health and Keeping an energetic Body will always support you to Travel. Therefore, we all need to maintain our health and fitness if we love to travel. So, let’s reduce weight and maintain a healthy weight. Accordingly, I believe this article will help you and will be a guide for your weight loss journey. This article shares a piece of perfect information about How often to eat when losing weight with two meals per day.  

The Researcher who introduced How Often to Eat When Losing Weight using two Meals

Today we are going to know about Max Lowery. Moreover, we will understand his latest methods and findings in reducing weight. Do you know who Max is? Max Lowery is a popular professional all over the world. He is a UK citizen. Further, Max is a Weight loss Trainer, a personal trainer, and an author. 

He believes that the current environment where we live and our lifestyle has been changed a lot from the past. So, he believes that these new changes in our environment affecting us in many ways. Specially, these changes are affecting our mental health as well as our physical health too. Therefore, he always motivates, proposes, and advises his clients to go back to their natural lifestyle. He tries to reset our bodies back to natural conditions. In short, this two meal per day method is one of the main approaches he introduced to reduce weight.

The Two Meal Diet Per Day for Reducing Weight Fast

Max Lowery has introduced a new and fast method of Weight loss using two meals per day. Moreover, he explains that this method can lose the fat in our body fast. This approach is called an intermittent fasting approach.

He recommends a few practices to follow if we want to reduce weight fast along with this two-meal approach. They are Intermittent Fast, Sleep, Movements, and many more.

Intermittent Fast with Two Meals

As per the experiences and research of Max Lowery, The Intermittent Fast is a very much supportive method for reducing weight. He says intermittent Fast is an easy way to weight loss within a very short period. The majority of the overweighed people have another problem. Once they reduce their weight, they are happy. But, the weight is increasing back within a very short time period. This is the main headache we have. So, Max has an answer for that. Moreover, Max says that an Intermittent Fast is a sustainable approach to keeping a healthy weight and maintaining that slim body for a longer time period. So, he recommends this Intermittent Fast for reducing weight and at the same time, that will support us to maintain a healthy weight for a long period too.  

As per the perception of Max, having two meals per day is a more natural way of eating. He says that we must not eat just because we have a practice of having three main meals per day. Therefore, he suggests breaking these traditional practices which we are continuing without benefits. According to Max, we must eat if we feel hungry only. So that he proposes us not to be a slave of food, clock, or practice. Most importantly, having the motivation to break these traditional ideas and practices to maintain a healthy weight and healthy life is empowerment as per his thoughts. 

16/8 Hour Diet as Intermittent Fast for Weight Loss

So, let’s understand the intermittent fast in simple words. Max suggests planning the day. Every one of us knows that we have 24 hours a day. So, he suggests planning these 24 hours. For example, When to eat or what to eat, or at what time to eat? Hope you understand this. If we don’t have a plan, we just eat without limits. Else, we eat rubbish which makes us more weight. Here, we eat with a plan and with a purpose.

Most important thing is, under Intermitted fast which he is suggesting, we are not taking food within 16hours. You can think that we are fasting for 16 hours per day. We take meals two times. But, these meals are taken within 08 hours. This is called the intermittent fast of 16/8 method which is a more effective method for reducing body weight fast. That is why Max suggests that “The matter of how often to eat when losing weight fast with two meal method must practice along with 16/8 method for an immediate result”. Therefore, please be kind enough to practice the two meal methods along with the 16/8 method and get fast results.

Once you reach a good stage (reduced your body weight as per your goal at least), after that you can have normal three meals on weekdays and practice this 16/8 two meal method for two days in the week.

How Often To Eat When Losing Weight, The 16/8 Method – Benefits

As per the ideas of Max, he strongly believes that there are three main benefits of an intermittent fast. The first one is reducing weight. The second benefit of intermittent fasting is keeping a stable energy level in our bodies. The third benefit is, that reducing the feeling of hunger. Therefore, these three factors work together in our body, when we start this intermittent fast. Accordingly, we receive an immediate result through this method.

Moreover, Max believes that this method can improve the insulin sensitivity of our bodies. On the other hand, this approach can improve our metabolic flexibility within our bodies. That is also very much helpful for us to reduce weight and to live a healthy life as well. Above all of these benefits, this method supports us in keep healthier gut functions. Furthermore, this method can postpone our aging process. It’s really interesting. Further, this practice of two main meals per day can provide you a perfect sleep. 

Importance of Burn Fat For Weight Loss

How often to eat when losing weight and what you eat have a relationship. Because the fat you take matters for gain weight very strongly. Therefore, we have to minimize the fat we intake with our meals. There are no options. We have to control having fat through meals, Max says. So, we have to be aware and serious when we prepare our meals. We always have to keep in our mind that, we are not adding fat to our meals and we are minimizing fat.  

Normally our body has reserved fat. So, that will be stored continuously when we take meals normally. But, when we practice a fasting method, the body uses the stored fat. As we need energy for our day-to-day activities, the body starts burning its fat and providing more and more energy for us. As a result of this, we can reduce our weight. This is the scientific reason and the relationship of Fat with weight loss.  

comfort sleep
comfort sleep

How Sleep affect Gain Weight & Lose Weight

Sleeping is really important for a healthy life. Too much sleep is a problem. If you have a feeling sleepy always, there is a health issue. If so, Please meet a doctor. Otherwise, you may have a habit of sleeping always. That is also not healthy. Though you don’t have a health issue at present, such habits will lead to health issues in the future. On the other hand, you may feel lazy and feel sleepy because you have less work. If so, please focus on studying or doing some hobbies daily at least. Less work and more sleep will not burn the energy you receive through meals. All the energy or fat will be stored in your body and that will lead to overweight automatically. Therefore limit your sleep and keep active if you prefer healthy life and a healthy weight as well.

On the other hand, the majority of the people in our era are living a busy and complicated lifestyle. In such situations, people do not get enough sleep but work more hours. That means they cannot balance their work life with their personal life too. They never feel rested.  These habits also lead to being overweight.

Moreover, such complicated busy life patterns make you more depressed and stressed. This is another reason for weight gain. If you are under such mental conditions you are gaining weight. On the other hand, such mentally stressful conditions will not let you enjoy sleeping. Therefore, such people do not get sleep. So, the body does not have a chance to get rest and repair. In such situations, our health becomes weak more and more but gain weight. Therefore, we have to remember that 6-8 hours of sleep is a must.  

Movements of Our Body helps Losing Weight  

Weight loss it’s not only the foods or meals. Don’t ever think that how often to eat. Ok, two times per day. We practice it. Now we can reduce our body weight easily. No. It’s an overall effort which we have to understand and work as per the instructions. There are many things affecting weight gain as well as reducing weight. As per the instructions of Max, we have to keep our bodies active and we have to have considerable body movements. Because the movements of our body help us to have good health, energetic and burn fats too. So, we have to plan our movements and start a decent routine along with this two-meal method.

Max Lowery suggests practicing this at least three days per week if we need a considerable change within a short period. Further, Max advises us to move as possible as we can if we need to reduce weight. Most important thing is, that he suggests we do these moments before having meals.

Be Active. Physically active behaviors support the reducing weight

Extra Advice for Losing Weight  

How often to eat and When to eat are important things when we trying to reduce weight. Therefore, I am sharing certain important points introduced by Max which have not been discussed in the other chapters. Max advises us not to eat at late night. Therefore, he suggests we stop having food after 08.00 pm at night. Take your dinner as early as possible when you feel hungry.

If you practice this method, you are taking only two main meals per day. Not three. If so, first you have to decide, when you are going to start this method. Then, you have to decide which main meals are most important to you which cannot do any change. After that, you have to decide, which meal can keep less important and not give any priority. In short, you have to think about which meal can skip or drop.

Not only the food But also there are many things which affect gain weight. For example your job or occupation, your sexuality, the level of alcohol you take, how many hours you sleep a day, and many more.  Moreover, please do not get stressed or make complicated this work. That is also much important when we trying to lose weight.  A stressed or depressed mind can make you more weighted. Therefore feel free to start this method.

How Often To Eat When Losing weight – Challengers of The 16/8 Method

How often to eat when losing weight matters strongly for weight loss. Therefore two meals per day is a good answer. But the majority of people misunderstand this method and do hundreds of mistakes. Finally, they complain about the method saying they could not reduce weight. Therefore, we have to understand the method properly and minimize our mistakes for a positive result within a short time period. 

As per the studies, one main mistake we do is we count two meals per day and suddenly we decide to skip breakfast. After that we think, now we get only two main meals per day and we think now everything is perfect with us. After that, we eat a lot of rubbish all day whenever we feel thirsty or hungry. Especially we eat whatever the foods we can find easily or buy around us. This is very much dangerous. This is not healthy. Please do not do this. Weight loss cannot be done within two or three nights. This is not magic. We have to make an honest effort. Do not eat junk food. Please be aware of the content of processed food. Always try to have healthy food.  

Having lot of junk food-fat lady
Having lot of junk food-fat may lead to overweight

Findings & Criticisms of How Often To Eat When Losing weight – 16/8 Method

Why all experts are talking about how often to eat when losing weight? Why time is so important for reducing weight? What will happen if we eat late at night forgetting the advice of experts? Let’s find a common answer for all these questions. The body also has a daily routine, practice, preparedness, after work, etc. So, when we eat late at night, the body guesses that we are in the middle of the day and work accordingly.

After that, our bodies continuously worked all night and tried to digest our dinner. So the body will not get any rest or no time to repair even in the nighttime because of our bad habits. On the other hand, the body gets ready for such situations and provides hormones that suit our work during the daytime. But, what we are doing after late night dinner is sleeping. Here, the body cannot manage that as we have already misled the body. This will negatively affect our health and even our sleep. That’s why we must not repeat the habit of having late-night dinners. 

It is always better if you can meet a doctor before you start this two-meal method with a 16/8 diet practice if you have practiced eating disorders in your past. Moreover, if you are suffering from some sickness and taking medicine daily, you have to get approval from your personal doctor before you practice this for reducing weight.

We have to be very much serious and aware that, this two meal per day method along with the 16/8 diet practice is only for healthy persons. Max is not recommending this for pregnant mothers or breastfeeding mothers though they are overweighed.


Plan and organize the food that we want to eat and how often to eat when we need to lose weight fast. Nutrition- dense of the food also plays a great role here. Because we have to be fit and healthy. Practice the Two Meal Diet along with the 16/8 fasting method for an immediate result. Junk foods are not allowed even within 08 hours. Have good sleep and finally keep your body active with a good mentality. You will definitely reduce your body weight fast and you will be healthy as well.

Further Reading

I will provide you with the link to the official video channel of this person. Please watch the videos he has done for weight loss.

Special Note

Thank you for reading us. We hope we could assist you. Moreover, please do share your experience if you have tried this method. That will be helpful for our beloved readers. Further, please mention if you need any more methods or information related to Health care. We will try our best to cover such topics.

Coming up Next

Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting

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