Tips for Achieving Wellness Goals; The Secrets

Tips for Achieving Wellness Goals; The Secrets

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This article is a continuation of the first article which I published early under the topic of the second “7 Health Dimensions of Wellness”. We hope that we could give a whole idea about the meaning of wellness and its dimensions through that article. So, let’s continue our subject for the next step. Now, we are going to discuss how to achieve the wellness Goals. Here I am sharing some Tips for achieving wellness Goals.  

Tips for Achieving Wellness; Physical Wellness

Let’s stop Smoking

Smoking is a very unhealthy habit that invites many health issues. Hence, we have to stop smoking if we prefer to spend a healthy life.

Tips for Achieving Wellness Goals Let’s stop Smoking no smock
Let’s stop Smoking – No smoking

Take Time to Exercise

Here we are going to be aware of how to keep good physical wellness in our life. Hence, I am going to share some of the very important but very simple tips for you to add to your life. Exercise is one of the very important factors for keeping our physical fitness and to be healthy. As per the health experts, it would be great if we can try to exercise at least three times per week. They recommend a minimum of 30 minutes per day. You can join with a gym or else you can try it at your home as well. Walking is very simple but provides considerable valuable health benefits. Hence, try at least walking.

Take Time to Exercise Tips for Achieving Wellness Goals
Take Time to Exercise

Follow a Healthy Diet

Food plays a major role in health. What we are today is what we ate in past. Therefore please provide an important concern about food. Rather than just making your tongue happy, understand how to use food for a healthy life. Hence, prepare a diet plan and follow it. Whenever you design a diet plan, be aware of healthy eating. A diet plan can avoid overeating and avoid unhealthy food practices too. Moreover, concern about the food scale as well. You may be happy to read the following articles.  

Which toast is best for weight loss?

What type of rice is good for weight loss?

Top 7 lunch ideas

Take a Rest and Have Enough Sleep

We may have to balance a lot of responsibilities in our personal life, academic and professional life. Hence, we may pass a busy work schedule. But remember, even a machine with the best quality and the best technology need a rest. Hence, plan your day and keep a timetable, work plan, and dairy. Allocate a time for you to rest and refresh. That is really important for your health. Most importantly take at least 6 hours of sleep at night.

Tips for Achieving Wellness Goals Take a Rest and Have Enough Sleep
Take a Rest and Have Enough Sleep

Understand the Signs of Health issues early

It is true that we are experts in our profession or study or business but not experts in health. But we have been very much sensitive about the signs of the sickness. If we find any signal we have to meet a health professional early and take advice. Such actions can avoid serious health issues.

Tips for Achieving Wellness; Mental Wellness

achieve good mental health

Importance of Time Management

Most of the time we get stressed when we cannot finish our work on time or maybe we are late. So we get stressed and we get angry too. In such a situation, our family members and our network also get depressed and stressed because of our behavior. Hence, we have to think about how we can manage our responsibilities. We have to understand that we cannot increase the time as every one of us has only 24 hours per day. So, be concerned about the responsibilities which you have to do and plan a timetable. Draft your work plan. This plan will help you to minimize stress.

Importance of Time Management Tips for Achieving Wellness Goals
Importance of Time Management

Forgive yourself as well as others

Why we are asking you to forgive ourselves and forgive others?  Let’s understand why and how we are keeping disappointment or sadness or anger in our minds. That means we keep a negative memory and feeling of an incident that has happened in the past and gave a considerable space in our minds. Isn’t it?

Whatever happened has happened and we cannot change anything in past. But we must not destroy our present and its happiness because of such negative memories in past. Keep negative emotions such as sadness, anger, disappointment is not healthy feelings. Such feelings can keep us depressed and stressed at present. Simply such negative feelings can destroy the happiness of your present as well as kills your mental health which may lead to can be physical sickness as well. 

Forgive yourself as well as others
Forgive yourself as well as others

Forgive all others who brought you bad memories is very important. Now we can forget and delete all the negative memories and feelings stored in our minds. Then, there is no space for negative feelings and memories in our minds. So, our mind is happy and relaxed. That has space for filling the good memories too. Moreover, we can use our minds for positive things. That is why we ask ourselves to forgive ourselves and forgive others every day. Believe me, you will be refreshed, happy, comfortable and motivate each morning.

Make Priorities of Your Work

Are you get stressed at the workplace just because you have a huge workload to complete? Do you get confused thinking about what to do first, or what to do last? Then write the work list and make priorities. Keep the activities that are more important and need to complete fast are at the first place. After that, the works need to complete fast as per the deadlines. The important responsibilities though there is time, come in third place. Finally, you can do the rest of the work. These tips may help you to minimize your stress at the workplace.       

Make Priorities of Your Work
Make Priorities of Your Work

Practice Stress Management Techniques

Are you get angry or stressed easily? If so, we can practice a few stress management techniques which are making you calm down within a very short period. For example, count one to ten and reverse back until you become normal. This is a simple technique to practice when you get angry. There are many like that. We also can change the activity which we were doing early. Else, we can listen to music for a few minutes.  

Spread Positive Attitude

We can think positively and work positively. Always keep your self-confidence with you. Most important thing is, please make your family members, and friends in the school or workplace happy and motivated. Such practices can make you more confident, comfortable, and motivated. People around you also start loving to work with you and your company. Hence, you will be a very attractive person in your network.

Spread Positive Attitude Tips for Achieving Wellness Goals
Spread Positive Attitude

Tips for Achieving Wellness; Social Wellness

Social wellness is a very important topic that we have to focus on. Life is not what we eat, earn and die. Life becomes more satisfactory when we become social members. Moreover, we also have a social responsibility as human beings. Hence, let’s understand how we can improve our social wellness ad make the advancement in our life and their ‘quality.

Do Something Back to the Society

Each one of us has our own talents, capacities, and choices. So, contributing back to the community as per our limitations is really important which provides us great satisfaction. On the other hand, everyone has a social responsibility to do. Hence, you will be a great human being and a great professional who receive respect from this world whenever you work for society.

The habit of Reading

Do not ever think reading is an activity for a student or a child. Why we should read as an elder? Do you have such questions in your mind? Reading provides more information and makes us more knowledgeable. You can find an interesting topic to read if you do not have an interest in reading. Be smart like that. You can update your knowledge by reading. Isn’t it? Moreover, you can develop your ability to focus when you practice reading.

At present, we do not need to find another day, go and sit in a library. We can simply join the reading groups available on the internet. Moreover, we can find all the publications, books, newsletters and research, etc. on the internet. Hence, make a space in your timetable for reading. Do not forget to share such experiences with your peer groups as well.   

The habit of Reading
The habit of Reading

Membership in Healthy Groups

Connectivity and a supportive network are really important for achieving our wellness goals. While we are struggling to achieve our goals a healthy group can make it easier and more comfortable. Here, healthy means positive or supportive.

You can be a member of a gym, yoga, or any sports team which may always help you to keep good health and fitness. You can join a group where you can study or enjoy your hobbies such as music, dancing, hiking, etc. Such a team can make you relaxed, happy, and motivated. If you have academic goals, find a suitable group that can help your studies. If you are a business person, you can join a business association. Else, join a professional network. Such groups can broader your life world.  

Try to Attend Cultural Programs

Try to enjoy, study and attend different cultural programs. Understand different traditions and cultures from their own perspectives. such programs may make you happy and relaxed. Once in a while, our mind needs entertainment too. if you can choose a cross-cultural entertainment program, your exposure will be wider.

Try to Attend Cultural Programs
Try to Attend Cultural Programs

Tips for Achieving Wellness; Financial Wellness

Use cash, not credit and debit cards. You will feel the value of financial capacity.  

Save money by preparing food at home if that is cheaper.

Try to engage with Hobbies and Self-care without spending much money. Eg; walking, biking

Design a Weekly, Monthly, and Annual Budget and be aware of our expenses. Preplan.

Always make use of scholarships and grants

financial wellness

Tips for Achieving Wellness; Spiritual Wellness

Mindfulness and meditation regularly

Work-life balance

Focus and be fully present when you do

Listen to your heart

Tips for Achieve Wellness; Environmental Wellness

Protect Water and Natural Resources.  

enjoy nature Tips for Achieving Wellness Goals
enjoy nature

Consume Local and Natural Foods as much as you can.

Maintain a Clean Environment at home, the workplace, and the rest of the places where you can be responsible.

Minimize the usage of chemicals for food and agriculture and other requirements.

Always Reuse and Recycle. Minimize waste.  

Skip loud noise

Chose hobbies such as Walk, riding, bike which you can move with nature.  

Study outside whenever you can.  

An award-winning documentary on Changing spiritual

Tips for Achieving Wellness; Vocational Wellness

a professional man
a professional man

Study Different Languages

Knowing a different language can expose a new network, and new culture and keep more connectivity. You can move with the world more using such languages. Moreover, you receive value in your job market. Hence, you can add a qualification to your CV. Most importantly, you can keep interactions with the community who speak that language. So, your lifeworld expands more with a language.  

Attend Training Programmes

You may be a good professional or a student. You may be qualified ad skillful to cover your job. But, understand the trends and the gap you have. Find training programs, workshops, and courses that provide value for your profession and update them. Improve your soft skills and hard skills which are important to your career. Study the gaps for you to improve to reach your next level. Such initiatives can promote you more in your work life.  

Understand your Career Options

We have to understand that job and career is two different meanings. Hence, if you are doing a job, you have to do it as a profession. So, you have to develop the skills, experiences, qualifications, and network to establish yourself as a professional. Moreover, do not depend on one job as you will be helpless if you lose that job. But there is no need of worrying when you establish yourself as a professional. You may always have career options as alternatives.

Goal setting and adjustment

Tips for Achieving Wellness; Try to Do Publications

Every one of us has our working area as our expertly. Using our knowledge, skills, and experiences we can do publications and share them with the next generation.

Keep Future Plans

Do not stop dreaming after receiving a job. There is no need of staying in one position and one place whole in our lifetime. Always find the next level and be qualified. Be ready to challenge. We can have short-term and long-term professional goals in your career. Make a plan and achieve them.  

life plan

Special Note on Tips for Achieving Wellness

We hope we could support you to improve your knowledge of wellness and achieving wellness goals. Further, we hope that we could share these facts in a very simple manner that can understand by anyone at any age. Hence, please do share your ideas and views with us. That is important for us.

Further Readings on Tips for Achieving Wellness

Seven Health Dimensions of Wellness

World Health Organisation (WHO)

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