Weight Loss 24 Hour Fast, an easy method to practice

Weight Loss 24 Hour Fast, an easy method to practice

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Today I am going to share some important facts about weight loss 24 hour fast which is a very simple and easy method. If you are healthy, try once and

Introduction to Weight Loss 24 Hour Fast

Fast can change our life and health. Moreover fast brings us weight loss benefits. Simply, fasting is limiting our foods. Anyway, there are many ways of fasting. That depends on the targets of doing fast. Weight loss 24-hour Fast is also a method of reducing weight. Weight Loss 24-Hour Fast is an Intermittent Fasting Method. If we skip our meals between 12 to 24 hours per day with the hope of weight loss, that is called an Intermittent fast. Anyway, there are criticisms of this kind of intermittent fasting saying these are extreme methods. But, intermittent fasting is widely accepted by dieticians and doctors all over the world as a weight loss tool.

Here, we have to miss our meals for 24 hours. That depends on your choice. But I can suggest an idea. We can start the fast after we get our dinner. Normally, we do not eat again at night once we get our dinner. But we have to miss the next day’s breakfast and lunch. For that, we have to complete 24 hours without having any meal.

24-hour fast, once a week, he says

The Benefits of Weight Loss 24 Hour Fast

there are a large number of benefits of this 24-hour fasting method. Here, I am going to explain them one by one.

Weight loss

There are a large number of benefits from weight loss 24-hour fast. Weight loss 24 hour fast is also called full-day fasting. As per the studies, this method can reduce our body weight as well as body fat by a minimum 3% of the total. There are successful cases where we can see how people reduced 9% of body weight and body fat. That depends on the individuals and how they honestly made effort. As per the research, normally we can reduce around half a pound from our body weight if we do not eat for 24 hours one time. Moreover, weight loss 24-hour fast control the blood lipids and regulate glucose level. This fast is resting of the digestive system in our body and Reduces cholesterol levels too.  Moreover, the weight loss 24-hour fast converts Liver fats into energy. Therefore, this fast help weight loss.

Weight loss
Weight loss

Easy to practice

We can manage this with our day-to-day activities too. It is very easy for us to adjust for weight loss 24 hours fast. Weight Loss 24-Hour Fast is a very short fasting method, comparing the other fasting method. Therefore, this method is easy to practice compared to other methods.  

Increase the Lifetime

The Weight Loss 24 Hour fast can increase our lifetime. As per the studies, 24 hour fast can delay our lagging too.

Support for managing certain Health Issues

Further, the weight loss 24 hours fast do Sugar breakdown and use the excess glucose. All these processes help weight loss and there are many more benefits too. The researchers say that fasting can prevent cancer and fasting slowly the growth of cancer too. Fasting supports us to prevent heart diseases as well. Moreover, fasting reduces the cholesterol levels in our bodies.   

Support to Brain

As per the findings of experts, fasting supports and improves the function of our brain. It is a popular fact that fasting can improve the cognitive functions of both animals and humans. Moreover, fasting can improve learning skills. Therefore, this is a good method even for academics and the young population who engage in higher studies and research. One of the best results of fasting 24 hours is, to improve our memory. That will be good news for all the professionals and even the business community.

Support to Brain
Support to Brain

Stress Management

Weight loss 24 hours can lower our stress. Therefore, we can use this method as a stress management strategy. That will be helpful, especially for the workforce who are under stress and depressed with their busy work schedule.    

Fasting can Support Diabetic Patients

As per the studies, a weight loss 24-hour fast can help diabetic patients. Why and How? Reducing weight itself is safe for diabetics. We become more and more insulin sensitive when we reduce our weight and when we maintain a healthy weight. That condition helps us to lower our blood sugar. Hence, fasting support us for reduce our risk of developing diabetes in our body.       

Growth Hormones  

There are a large number of hormones that are supportive of the growth and functions of our body. One of the great support here for us is, that these growth hormones are promoting weight loss. Moreover, these growth hormones help to increase our metabolism too. Therefore, this is an important fact. Fasting is influencing and increasing the production of these growth hormones in our bodies.   

Tips for how to make the Weight Loss 24 Hour Fast a success

I am sharing some small but very important tips for you to make your weight loss goals. You can continue many of those practices even after the fast. They will help us to maintain a healthy weight and healthy life too

Drink Water as much as you can  

Remember that water is much important in weight loss efforts. We have to drink 12 glasses of water per day at least.  

Smaller Meal to break the fast
Drink Water as much as you can

Busy Schedule

One other important secret is to keep busy. Do you know why? When we are staying at home and do not home much work or urgent work, then automatically our minds ask for food for no reason. But, when we have scheduled the day and when we are focusing more on our next responsibility, we forget the food.

Fasting Time

Be intelligent and smart when you fix the date and time for practice this weight loss 24 hour fast. Because we need continuous 24 hours for this. It would be easier for us if we can select a day when we do not go to work. I mean a day we do not want to go outside. Because we also have to think about how to balance and manage our work. These fasting works must not disturb our work, responsibilities, and duties at our workplace.      

Smaller Meal to break the fast

After completing a 24 hour fast, we feel very much hungry. We feel like we need a heavy meal. That is normal. But do not go for a large meal just after completing the fast. Scientifically, that is not healthy too. On the other hand, we have already burnt some calories fast. So, we eat a large meal means, we are going to add more calories. If so, the result of the fast will be minimum. Therefore, always try a smaller meal just after completing your 24 hour meal.

The secret with food is, that we have to take fewer calories through Meals about burning more. That’s how we have to reduce weight. We have to practice that as usual practice even after achieving the healthy weight goals.

Smaller Meal to break the fast
Smaller Meal to break the fast

Chew more

The majority of us do not chew much when we eat. The professionals use to have food within a few minutes as they are passing a very busy work schedule. But this is not healthy. Always chew more. That will help us with weight loss.

Eat cooked food

You may be used to buying food from outside as you are busy with work. But, if you can prepare your food and you can eat the cooked food that will be a great help for our weight loss campaign.

The Risks of Weight Loss 24 Hour Fast and Mistakes we usually do  

Health is a serious fact. Therefore, we must not fast if we are suffering from any sickness. Otherwise, pregnancy is also an important reason. Please do not try to fast though you are overweight, during your pregnancy. The patients who suffer from low blood pressure are also not approved to try fasting. Do not fast for reducing weight if you are a diabetic patent too.

We do certain mistakes when we do weight loss 24 hour fast. That’s why do not get results. One main mistake we do is, that we do not eat meals for 24 hours but drink beverages. The majority of the beverages available in the market are containing high calories, sugar, and added flavor and color. These are not healthy even. Here we have to understand that we do not eat because we try to stop adding calories. Therefore, it is useless we are under fast but still adding calories through beverages. We can drink water and drinks which do not add high calories. That’s the requirement. 

Conclusion of Weight Loss 24 Hour Fast

Weight loss 24 Hour Fasting method is a simple and easy method to practice for us. But, do not try if you are not fit and healthy. Not only for weight loss purposes, this method also had many important health benefits.

Special Note

Thank you for reading his article and visiting our website. Do share your experiences if you have experienced this at least once in your life. Your experiences will be important for our readers.

Further Reading and Links on Weight Loss 24 Hour Fast

If you are interested to read more studies and publications on fasting and Overweighed Elders visit U. S. National Institute on Aging.  

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