Weight Loss 4 Day Fast for Urgent Result

Weight Loss 4 Day Fast for Urgent Result

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What is the meaning of fasting? Let’s understand that in simple words. Okay. Fasting is a method of restricting the meals we take. This is not a new finding. We humans have been practicing this since long ago. The specialty here is the objective. In old days, the social practice that as per their cultural requirements and practices. Today we all do that as a weight loss method. That’s the difference. So, there are various types of fasting methods available at present focusing on weight loss. Today we are studying about one recent method called weight loss 4 day fast in this article.

Introduction To The weight Loss 4 Day Fast and how it works

The weight loss 4-day fast is a one-month program. But we can use foods as we wish but only for 04 days at one time. I will explain this more for your requirement. The weight loss 4 day fast is a long process. Therefore, we have to achieve it step by step and understand the process. Basically, the weight loss 4-day fasting method has seven steps. Each step has its own role to play. Do not worry. Here we have different food choices in each phase. So, we do not feel bored of having the same meal daily. That is a plus point here. Therefore, we must not miss any of these steps. Here are the seven phases of this method.

A woman eating vegetables or fruit
A woman eating vegetables or fruit

The Seven phases of this Method

  1. In the first phase, we restrict toxins. Therefore, we mostly eat beans, fruits, vegetables, and lentil/chickpea
  2. Reintroduce foods. But, do not overdo that.
  3. Take protein. For example eggs. Fish or lean meats.
  4. Use a very small amount of carbohydrate food.
  5. In the fifth step, you have to do some exercise. Do some cardio to burn your calorie. You need to practice it for one hour.
  6. Continue the exercise along with balance food
  7. The final step is 4 days of the strict time period. Here we can eat only some vegetables and fruits. But, we have to continue our cardio practice.
egg fish meat
egg fish meat

The Benefits of Weight Loss 4 Day Fasting Method  

The weight loss result of the weight loss 4 day fast is mainly based on the food during this fasting phase. Therefore, we have to very much care about what we eat and what we drink. As per the researchers and dieticians, 80% of the benefit is received based on the food we eat and what we drink during this period. Therefore, always try to eat a portion of healthy food whenever you have meals.  

Not only for weight loss, is weight loss 4-day fast method benefits many reasons. For example, this method is totally controlling the fat. Therefore, this method can support maintaining a lower cholesterol condition in our blood. On the other hand, this promotes our heart condition, protects the heart, and minimizes risks. This weight loss 4 day fast method is supporting to maintain healthy blood pressure as well.  

As we discussed earlier, exercise is a must under the weight loss 4 day method. Therefore, this method is minimizing and prevents diabetic risks. Therefore, I would like to mention here that, the weight loss 4-day fast is providing many health benefits apart from weight loss. We can treat all these support as the benefits of this method. 

Challenges of Weight Loss 4 Day Fast and How to Overcome These Challengers  

Of course, there are many considerable challenges to practicing and getting positive results using this method. Let’s study these challengers one by one. We are strongly restricted to eat high fat under this method. We are also restricted to having high carbohydrate foods. This is an extreme and a challenge we have to overcome when we practice this method honestly.

One another challenge and limitation under this method is, that we have to do exercise. That is a must. Though we are limiting the foods as per the instructions of the weight loss 4-day method, we cannot skip the exercise anyway. This is the other main limitation of this method.

The weight loss 4-day fast method needs a considerable amount of patience on us. Our determination is really needed when we practice this method. Without having strong willpower, we cannot reach the final stage of this method and achieve a good result using this weight loss 4-day fasting method.  

Here is an Examples of how people have successfully fasted and achieved weight loss goals

I would like to share Kenny s story as a successful case study. Please, see the information under the Further Readings. I have mentioned the link there for the relevant article.

An Advice on How to Start a Successful Weight Loss 4 Fast

here is a guide for you to get maximum results.

Keep a Record

The researchers are advising us to record our intakes before we start this method. That means you have to write down all your foods in your man meals and other time as well. This record shows how we earn calories per day. We have to record this at least for ten days continuously. Then only we can understand our natural food behaviors. The second piece of advice is to record your exercise if you do before you start this fasting method.

Self-understanding about Intakes

In the next step, we can do a basic self-understanding. Because we have written what we eat during the past 10 days. That shows the energy contain we get. We also have a record of our exercise. Then we can understand how we use or burn the calories we take through meals. If there is a gap, we are overweighed. See, when we analyze this using our record, we can come to a realization of why we have overweighed. Is not it? This lesson or understanding automatically invites our minds to use a healthy meal pattern. I hope you get this point. The mental preparedness for a weight loss fast is really important. That is why the dieticians are advising us to practice this, before starting the fasting method.   

Set up Goals

The next step is setting up a goal for weight loss. This is really important for our gal. If we can fix our goal, we can easily follow that knowing what we do and what we achieve.     

Please do not try this weight loss 4-day fasting method, if you are suffering from diabetes and especially if you are taking medicine daily. More importantly, it is a must to get your doctor’s approval before you start practicing this method. Please do not come to conclusions without the permission of your doctor.  

A Lady Do Exercise
A Lady Do Exercise

Conclusion of Weight Loss 4 Day Fasting Method

Weight loss 4 day fast is a recent method introduced by doctors for getting an immediate result of reducing weight. This method is more suit for the younger generation. Further, this method has its own limitations on the food. Therefore we do not have many choices. In other words, there are certain limitations for food under this method. We strongly have to follow these food restrictions if we need to practice this method. Further, there are seven phrases to complete this weight loss 4 day fast method. There is no chance for us to skip any. We have to follow all seven steps if we need to get the maximum result using this method.

The method has many health benefits apart from weight loss anyway. But, this weight loss 4 day fast is considered one of the extremist methods of fasting. Accordingly, the overweighed people who suffer from different sicknesses and weak cannot practice this method. It is important to meet your doctor and get his approval before you start practicing this method. Most importantly, the pre-preparedness for this weight loss 4 day fast is very much important. Therefore, we have to get ready to enter this method within 10 days.

Anyway, this method is focusing on three main factors to get a maximum result. The restriction of food, mental preparedness, and exercise.    

Summary of The Content

This article share some information about the weight loss 4 day fasting method, the benefits of this method, the challenges, how to overcome these challenges, success stories, advice on How to Start a successful weight Loss Fast, a conclusion, and a summary of the content, and further Readings.    

Special Note

We hope this article may help you to practice weight loss 4 day fast. We welcome your response. Most importantly, we would like to hear from you, if you have tried this method and your results. That will be very much important to our readers. If you have any ideas to share with us, on this topic, please do share them here. Further, comment on the titles which you want to know more about. We hope to update such areas as soon as possible. Thank you for visiting us and reading us.

Further Readings of Weight Loss 4 Day Fasting Method

Click Here to Read the experience of Kenny Westerman

How Fasting Can help us

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