Weight Loss 5 Weeks to Maintain a Healthy Weight

Weight Loss 5 Weeks to Maintain a Healthy Weight

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Obesity is one main challenge at present all over the world including myself. Hence, let’s reduce our body weight. But, reducing weight also need to be done gradually. Else we will be weak. Therefore, this article will share with you the main information on the weight loss 5 weeks plan. 

Importance of Weight Loss

As obesity is one main Challenge in The U.S., The Department of Health and Human Services of the United States is working on studies of reducing weight. Anyway, we have to understand the correct ways of reducing the weight of our body. Here, we must understand one thing. Losing our body weight is not all about how we look or our appearance. Losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight improves our health too. We have to understand that overweight means, we are at risk. Why? Being overweight invites us many health issues such as stroke, cancer, blood pressure, diabetes, and many more. Therefore, we need to reduce weight and maintain a healthy weight. Hence, let’s study what are healthy ways of reducing weight.

Weight Loss Methods and Extremes

Losing weight more than 1kg per week is considered an extreme effort. That is too risky. There are many methods which suggest you lose weight fast. But, it is better to follow a healthy way of reducing weight rather than getting risk. On the other hand, such efforts are not sustainable even. You may gain weight after a few weeks again when you start your normal life. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight is very much important as well as achieving a healthy weight. Hence, going for a weight loss 5 weeks program and continuing a sustainable healthy weight is the focus of this method.   

easy exercises to keep or body active. Try 5 mint per day

Safe Weight Loss

As per the studies, losing 2.5kgs within 5 weeks from our body weight is a safe weight loss and a healthy weight loss. Therefore, the weight loss 5 weeks program is the best way of losing weight which can practice by any person regardless of age or gender.

The researchers have identified that weight loss efforts need to be done gradually. Though there are many methods and ways to lose weight fast, the doctors are recommending this. Because, it’s not about how long time we take to reach a healthy weight, it’s about how healthy we reach a healthy weight. So, let’s not hurry, but let’s follow the scientific and healthy pattern for weight loss. The Department of Health and Human Services suggesting to lose around one or two pounds per week. No more.  

Maintain a Healthy Weight after achieving it

Moreover, the Department of Health and Human Services encourages us to maintain a healthy weight which we achieved through reducing weight, for a long time. They emphasize the sustainability of that achievement is important for a healthy life. Therefore, the above Department propose to make changes to our lifestyle. That means making positive changes in our lifestyle which support maintaining a healthy weight in the future. Only we can do this for ourselves. Nobody else can do it for us. This is what we have to realize. Therefore, let’s see how can we reduce weight and maintain long-term effects.

a personal experience of reducing weight within 5 weeks

Weight Loss 5 Weeks Programme

So, now we are going to reduce our weight, but that takes 5 weeks to receive a considerable achievement. After that, we have to continue the lifestyle which we practice during these 5 weeks. That will support us to maintain our healthy weight and for entertain a sustainable result.  Here are the tips for you to enter this weight loss 5 weeks program.

1. Concentrate on the calories and maintain a Food Journal

We may never think about what we eat. How we behave etc. We may not have a habit of looking back. But now we are going to study our own eating patterns by ourselves. That’s why we do not know what we eat and we do not know how much we eat even. How do we start this? Let’s start writing. We are going to use a food journal and write what we ate. Okay.

It means, hereafter we Start to concentrate on the daily food and the calorie we take through our meals. This journal will teach us how much food we take in an unnecessary way. This journal will show us how we gain weight through high-calorie food or junk food. Most importantly, this food journal will let us realize how many things we eat without the feeling of hunger,  extra foods out of the main three meals, etc. in short, this food journal shows our food behavior and lets us understand why we are overweighed. That realization will lead us and provide the mentality to follow this method hereafter.

2. Eat Nutrients Foods

You are trying to reduce weight but I have mentioned you eating. Why is it? See, we are eating foods for hunger. What are the things we focus on when we get food? For example, we always select foods that are delicious and foods that are easy to cook. Otherwise, we buy food. We think about the availability of food, taste, and price.

Now we are going to make changes to our food behavior. How? We focus on what we eat. This means we always think about what is the content of the food. This means we are eating healthy nutrient foods. We are understanding that our body needs energy and our body needs nutrients for its function. Therefore, we take food that is required for that function. Hereafter, we are taking more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, whole grains, Oats, unsalted nuts, poultry, egg, brown rice, beans, barley, millets, and low-fat dairy products. Eat lean protein daily.

Weight Loss 5 Weeks to Maintain a Healthy Weight
Weight Loss 5 Weeks to Maintain a Healthy Weight

3. Scale of Food

Early, we thought about what we eat. Now we are going to think about how much. The scale of the food matters for weight gain. Therefore, we are limiting our food. So, what kind of foods need to limit or control to reduce weight? This is an important question. Remember, we are limiting high cholesterol, salts, fatty meats, fried foods, sugar, and high-calorie foods. Remember to include fruits and vegetables more and at least half of your meal.   

4. Alternative Foods

What does it mean? This is related to the early fact. If we limit certain foods, here we are providing alternatives for them. For example, we are limiting ice cream as it is containing sugar. We apply creamy soups to our diet. We are limiting high-calorie foods but the alternative is low-calorie soups. Like that we can replace our wrong food behaviors with a healthy diet.

Weight Loss 5 Weeks to Maintain a Healthy Weight
Weight Loss 5 Weeks to Maintain a Healthy Weight

5. Physically Active Behavior

We may be always tried to find easy ways of doing something. We may be busy with academic things or the workplace. Whatever it is, now we are going to keep our body active here after. That is very much important to lose weight and to have a healthy life as well. Therefore, we are going to find a time to do exercise twice a week at least. On the other hand, that can promote our metabolism. This will burn the calories you take and help you to lose weight.

We also can start doing some sports such as swimming, tennis, and biking. Otherwise, we can do jogging, walking, or some exercises, etc to keep our physical behavior active. If we can do hiking or dancing as our hobbies, we can keep our body healthy while we are enjoying.

Weight Loss 5 Weeks to Maintain a Healthy Weight
Weight Loss 5 Weeks to Maintain a Healthy Weight

6. Get enough Sleep

Can we lose weight by sleeping? Do you think like that? This means we have to get enough sleep each day. Normally we have to sleep about 7-8 hours a day. Why sleeping is important? That can make changes in hormones. As per the studies of Harvard School of Public Health, getting enough sleeping at night can influence hunger-stimulating hormones. On the other hand, our body needs a rest. That is important for keeping an energetic and healthy life the next day. There is another habit that indirectly influences weight. When we keep awaking at night, we use to eat even at the night. Sometimes, the intake of foods may be fatty and high-calorie foods. This is the problem. Having wrong at the wrong time may lead us to gain weight more. Therefore, plan your day and get enough sleep to maintain a healthy weight and avoid such practices. 

7. Follow a Meal Plan

This is a very interesting and most important point. Focus on healthy food, the calories, your choices, colorfulness of diet, your pocket, daily responsibilities and duties, the time you can spend to prepare food, calories, availability of food, and our goal for reducing weight. Balance everything. Considering all these, plan your weekly Meal plan. Do not eat extra foods out of this. Finally, you can follow this. This is what I have to mention in simple words. But remember, the Meal plan is a main and great tool for weight loss. This will shape your food behavior even after these 5 weeks. I mean you will continue this in your life as a practice. Furthermore, this Meal Plan will lead you to a sustainable and maintain healthy weight.  

8. Drink Enough Water

Water has a main role to play in weight loss. Therefore, do remember to drink enough water daily. Of course, we are living with busy work schedules in our life. But you have to be smart and make opportunities to cover the daily water requirement. Anyway, you have to drink 8 glasses per day. This is the minimum. If you forget to drink water, you can keep a water bottle on the table where you usually work. Furthermore, you can drink 1L of water just after you wake up. You can drink one glass of water before you start your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Like that, you can manage and create opportunities for taking enough water daily.

Weight Loss 5 Weeks to Maintain a Healthy Weight
Weight Loss 5 Weeks to Maintain a Healthy Weight

9. Avoid Alcohol

The studies have found that drinking alcohol usually or daily can prevent our weight loss program. Because alcohol is considered a high-calorie drink. Further alcohol is a mixed drink and is high in sugar contains. Therefore, try to avoid alcohol as much as you can.

The Risks of Weight Loss 5 Weeks

Please meet your doctor before you start a diet plan or exercise. Get advice from him for your weight loss program too. The reason is, that if you are suffering from health issues or take medicine, our weight loss diets must be sensitive towards such health issues as well. We cannot make our body weak just because we need to reduce our body weight, especially in situations of our sickness. Therefore, we need a recommendation from our doctor on how to balance our health issues with a weight loss program. That is the best way.

Summarize Weight Loss 5 Weeks Programme

Do maintain a food journal and realize what we eat and why we eat. Eat nutrient foods and maintain a healthy weight. Always apply alternative foods when the content matters for maintaining a healthy weight. Focus on a scale of food and try to be full of fruits and vegetables half from our plate. Maintain a meal plan as a lifetime practice. Get enough sleep. But keep active with physical exercise. Drink enough water and avoid alcohol. These are the secrets and steps of a weight loss 5 weeks program for you to achieve long-term sustainable results.

Special Note

Please do share your experiences with us. That will be very much important to your readers. Suggest any weight loss method as best as per your experience. Let’s see how it can work with us.

Further Readings for Weight Loss 5 Weeks Programme

Read the publications and recommendations of The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Click here

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