Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting - All in One

Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting – All in One

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Weight loss intermittent fasting is a good answer for getting an immediate result for reducing weight. This article will help you to select a method, which suits your body as per your lifestyle, limitations, and possibilities.

What is the meaning of Intermittent Fast?

The Intermittent Fast is a method of reducing weight. Overweighed and obese people trying to study and practice this method at present as this method is famous as a way to give immediate results. Therefore the term “Intermittent Fast” is popular all over the world in the recent past. Accordingly, there are different types of weight loss and Intermittent Fasting Methods on this topic. How can we practice one? What is the best method? These are your questions in mind.   

How to practice The Intermittent Fast

The nature of the body and its working is different from individual to individual. Fasting methods also affect differently for person to person. Therefore, the experts are suggesting us listen to our own bodies and study its pattern. After that, we can choose the best Intermittent Fasting Method for us. Else, a common method for all obesity or overweighed people may not work properly and may not good decision. Therefore, understanding our bodies is important here. After all, we can select the best method for reducing our body weight.

Different Types of Intermittent Fast

There are four main methods has been introduced as weight loss intermittent fasting methods at present. There are as follows,

The Warrior Diet

The 5/2 Method

The 16/8 Method and

The Alternate-day Method

Weight loss Intermittent Fasting Warrior Diet Method

This method was introduced in the year of 2001 by Ori Hofmekler. (Please see the chapter of the further link below to get the information about him) The meaning of warrior is Soldier or fighter. So, simply we can understand that a warrior is strong, healthy, and energetic. Therefore, a warrior needs to take healthy and suitable foods to maintain his or her physical power. The idea of this weight loss intermittent fasting The Warrior Diet is also the same. This method is more focused on the energetic life. Some people use to say this is extreme. Anyway, this method is following an eating pattern of a solder or a warrior. 

Weight loss Intermittent Fasting Warrior Diet Method
Weight loss Intermittent Fasting Warrior Diet Method

This method suggests us eat very little scale of food for 20 hours during the daytime. After that, the method asks us to get a lot of food at night. But, that night food must take within 04 hours only. What do we eat during that 04 hours? That’s the question. We have very limited food. Most importantly, this warrior Diet motivates us to eat more vegetables and raw fruits. We also can eat fluids from those we don’t get calories. Further, this method allows us to take hard-boiled eggs. However, the method allows us to get dairy products as well. But, remember in a small amount only. This method strongly restricts processed foods. We cannot take any processed foods even within 04 hours. The Warrior Diet appreciates healthy and organic foods to take during that 04 hours.      

Benefits of Weight loss Intermittent Fasting Warrior Diet Method

The Warrior Diet will give us fast results. We can reduce a considerable weight during a few weeks itself using this method. Moreover, there are different advantages of using this method. They are as follows. The studies say that The Warrior Diet helps us to prevent diabetics. This is good news as a considerable population is suffering from diabetes in the world.  There is another very special and good news. This method can delay aging. Hope you will enjoy that news.

Challengers and Criticisms of Weight loss Intermittent Fasting Warrior Diet Method

Some experts has been criticizes this warrior diet saying it’s a very hard and extreme method that cannot easily practice by any. Especially the elder overweighed people cannot practice this method easily. There are some other challenges and criticisms of this method. They are complaining that there can be disorders in the eating patterns of the followers of this method. 

Raw fruits and vegetables
Raw fruits and vegetables

Conclusion of Weight loss Intermittent Fasting Warrior Diet Method

This method will provide us with a fast result and maximum loss of weight within a short period. But, there is a considerable restriction on time and food. Do not practice this as you wish. Please meet a doctor and get advice before you try this.

about Warrior Method

 5/2 Diet of Weight loss Intermittent Fasting Method 

The second method of weight loss intermittent fasting is the 5/2 method. This is very simple to understand. As we all know that we have 07 days per week. Now we divide the week into two parts 05 days and another 02 days. That does not mean we always select Monday to Friday as 05 days. No, it’s not like that. That can be selected as you wish. Simply, that depends on your possibility, responsibilities of the day, and your lifestyle.

We can have our meals as usual in these 05 days. As per this 5/2 method, there are no food restrictions for this 05 day. What we make changes is used in the other 02 days. Here, we take only one-quarter of the food which we need to get per day. This is the basic information of the weight loss intermittent fasting 5/2 method.

Benefits of Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting 5/2 Method 

The Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting 5/2 method is very much flexible comparing the other methods. There are no restrictions for us to limit what to eat. Further, there are no restrictions on when to eat as well. We are deciding which the 5 days are and which the 2 days are. Moreover, there is no restriction on eating as per a clock. Considering all this flexibility, I can say that the 5/2 method is more flexible.

A working woman have usual lunch at the office
A working woman has her usual lunch at the office

Challengers and Criticisms of weight loss Intermittent Fasting 5/2 Method

Normally we need 2000 calories per day. So, here we are getting one-quarter of the total requirements of the day for two days of the week. That means we must take only 500 calories for two days. This is a challenge. Because we don’t have a habit of that as all other days we eat as usual. Therefore, we might eat a lot. The majority of the people who follow this method are not limited the 500 calories.

Conclusion of Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting 5/2 Method

You have to seriously limit the food up to 500 calories in these 02 days if we practice this method. If we can’t have that self-control within us, this method is not for us.

Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting Alternate-day Method

The method of Alternative –day Fast is also named a weight loss intermittent Fasting method. The structure of this alternative-day method is also easy to remember. So, let’s see how we can practice this. In this method, we are eating as usual on the first day. There are no food restrictions on the first day. There is no limitation on time as well. But the next day you have a fast. Therefore, you have limitations. How? On the second day, you can take only 500 calories per day. Therefore, you have to plan your intake of food accordingly. You can have meals, as usual, the next day. So, you can have a normal day. This means you are doing the fast every other day. Hope you understand this.

Benefits of Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting Alternate-day Method

This is more simple and more flexible. As there is no time limit or food restrictions on a normal day you don’t have many difficulties in selecting foods.

Challengers and Criticisms of Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting Alternate-day Method

Practice an extreme fast your fasting day will bring you a lot of health issues. Therefore, we have to balance the limit. On the other hand, it is not easy to limit 500 calories on your fasting day, when we are new to this fasting method. We feel difficult to practice that in the beginning. So, we have sacrificed and be patient on the fasting day. Most importantly, do not practice overeating, thinking that you are fasting the next day. That is one main mistake done by the majority. Please eat a normal way and then the next day you are limited to 500 calories. That’s all. If you take more food or overeat the normal day, the output or result of the fasting day is very low or no result.

a success story

Conclusion of Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting Alternate-day Method

This is a simple method. But, the person needs to have self-control on the fasting day. Physically active behavior will be more helpful for a good result.

Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Method

The 16/8 Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting Method is one of the most popular weight loss methods today. So, we cannot take foods as usual when we start this method. There are certain restrictions on the pattern of food we take under this method. In short, let me describe this in a very simple manner. Normally we have 24 hours a day. So, what we do under this method is, that we are not taking any food within a separate time period of 16 hours. Whatever we have is within 8 hours only. I hope you understand the basics of this method.

Limiting our food and the number of hours we keep fast is supporting us to lose body weight. Most of the time, the weight loss intermittent fasting 16/8 method influences us to reduce our food consumption per day. That led to reducing our body weight. On the other hand, that helps to lower our blood pressure. Therefore, this method is beneficial not only for weight loss but also for keeping healthy blood pressure as well. Moreover, this method helps to prevent hypertension.

Benefits of Weight loss Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Method  

This method is more flexible comparing other methods. Because we can manage the starting time and ending time of the weight loss intermittent fast 16/8 by ourselves. Different individuals may have different schedules, life patterns,s, and timetables. Therefore, we can consider our normal activities, responsibilities, and duties in our life. After that, we can adjust this weight loss intermittent fasting 16/8 method without disturbing our work. Hence, let me say that this method is more focused on the time period and hours we keep fasting than the food. Therefore, this method can be managed and adjusted as we wish.

Challengers and Criticisms of weight loss Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Method

Some people feel difficult to adjust to the weight loss intermittent fasting 16/8 method as they have to continue fasting for 16 hours. Furthermore, people who suffer from different sicknesses such as diabetics cannot practice this as the blood sugar level can be very low because of this long time fast. The law blood sugar is also dangerous. Such patience has to manage the sugar with a proper diet plan. Therefore, please do not try this if you are a diabetic patient.

On the other hand, there are people who suffer from gastritis. Such individuals also cannot practice a 16-hour fast. As the people are fasting for a long period and waiting to eat till they reach 08 hours for taking foods, many uses to have more food during that 8 hours. If they have more junk foods and snacks during these 8 hours, that practice affects negatively. In such situations, we cannot experience a good result through this method though they keep fast for 16hours per day.    

Conclusion of Weight Loss Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Method

Please do remember to get approval from your family doctor if you are suffering from any sickness or having medicine daily for anything.

Eat more Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, and foods which provide us more proteins even in the 08 hours of the flexible time period.

A fat woman checking the weight
An overweighted woman checking the weight

Summary of the content

There are many challenges to continuing or practicing this weight loss intermittent fast method too. I must say that there is no method that doesn’t have challenges. Each and every method may have a challenge or few. That’s why I mentioned you to study first and select a method which suits you most.

Add a practice of doing exercise always provide a maximum result for all these diet plans. Moreover, keeping our life active and always maintaining physically active behavior will provide the best result for reducing weight and healthy life as well.

As per the studies, we can reduce our body weight by 3-8 % within a few weeks under this method. Normally, this method can reduce our weight by an average of 0.75kg per week. Therefore, intermittent fasting is a very successful weight loss tool for us.

Further Reading and links

If you want to study more about the founder of The Warrior Diet Read Bout Mr. Ori Hofmekler. Here is the link to his official website. Click here

The person who introduced the 5/2 Method is Mr. Michael Mosley. If you prefer to read more about him and his findings on health and fitness please see the link here.

Coming up Next

Which fruit helps you lose weight?

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