Brown Rice Bamboo Rice Red Rice Carolina Gold Rice Brown Rice Black Rice

Which type of Rice is good for Weight Loss immediately?

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Being an overweighed woman who tries to reduce my body weight, there are a few questions raised in my mind now. So, does rice healthy food? Is rice support weight loss? Does rice support for gain weight more? Because the rice is containing a considerable amount of carbohydrates. These are the things going on in my mind. Here, I am sharing with you some of my studies and their findings on this topic. Therefore, this article will provide you a guide on which type of rice is good for weight loss. I hope this article will more important to the overweighed people who use rice for their meals usually.

Which type of rice is good for weight loss?

Rice is the main food used by many countries all over the world. Most of the time, rice is very much popular in the societies of Asian countries and the rest of the countries as well. Moreover, rice is recognized as the backbone of agricultural societies. I too use rice for my lunch usually.

Anyway, there is no argument that rice is containing a considerable amount of carbohydrates. But, there are many countries where rice is not used usually but the majority of the population is suffering from obesity. A study done by The European Congress of the UK recently found that obesity is one of the main challenges among the population even though those countries are not using rice as the main food. Therefore, the traditional myths have been changed as a result of recent studies.

Anyway, there are more than 40,000 varieties of rice in the world. So, now as overweighed people, we have to understand and find which type of rice is good for weight loss. If we are aware of the result we can avoid the rice varieties from which we can gain weight. Else, if we are aware of the rice varieties from which we can reduce weight, we can start using them Hence, let’s aware of the varieties of rice and their contribution to weight loss.

Which type of Rice is good for weight Loss Brown Rice Bamboo Rice Red Rice Carolina Gold Rice Brown Rice Black Rice
Brown Rice Bamboo Rice Red Rice Carolina Gold Rice Brown Rice Black Rice

Here we have a few varieties of rice which help weight loss. These are as follows;

  1. Brown Rice

2. Black Rice

3. Bamboo Rice

4. Red Rice  

5. Carolina Gold Rice

Brown Rice

Brown Rice is taking a considerably long time for cooking when compared with any other rice such as white rice. But, there are many benefits of having brown rice. I must mention here that, as per the studies brown rice is recommended by the experts for people who hope to lose their body weight.

Further, brown rice is supportive of boosting the metabolism system in our body. Moreover, Brown Rice is rich in fiber. The doctors find that brown rice is reducing the negative/bad cholesterols in our bodies. Moreover, brown rice improves the gut health of our bodies. Brown rice is very much rich in Vitamin. Especially Vitamin B. Therefore, brown rice helps us to prevent the risk of stroke and heart issues. Furthermore, brown rice is good for diabetic patients. The studies find that brown rice is containing phytic and polyphenolic. Therefore, brown rice can regulate blood sugar spikes too. Furthermore, brown rice help to control our blood glucose levels.  Most importantly, brown rice is rich in magnesium and calcium. Therefore, brown rice is making our stones strong. Further, brown rice helps us prevent osteoporosis as well as fractures. The brown rice is also rich in selenium in brown rice. Therefore, brown rice can prevent the blocking of our blood vessels in the body. Do you believe that brown rice can therefore reduce the risk of atherosclerosis? Therefore, if I answer the question “which type of rice is good for weight loss?” I would like to mention here that brown rice is one of the best rice varieties for us to eat usually.

Black Rice

Have you eaten Black Rice? Maybe not. Because Black Rice is not very much common as White Rice, Red Rice, or Brown Rice. I agree that Black Rice is quite a rare food variety. But, comparing the past, now Black Rice is becoming more popular and making trends as this is healthy food.  Some people use black rice as “wild rice”. Anyway, black rice is very much nutritious and rich in Vitamin B. The black rice also contains folate and zinc. Further, black rice is rich in phosphorous and niacin. Do you believe that black rice is a natural detoxifier? Moreover, this black rice is very much rich in fiber. Normally, doctors are recommending Black rice for diabetic patients and overweighed people. Therefore, please do not be afraid of having black rice, though you are an obese person.  Most importantly, black rice can save us from cancer. Especially, black rice can lower the spreading in our bodies.  

Bamboo Rice

Have you tasted or cooked bamboo rice? Personally, I have not enjoyed this Bamboo Rice. Moreover, I didn’t get aware of bamboo rice as well. But, this is one of the most important rice varieties as per the experts’ findings. Look, the doctors and the dietitians are saying this is very rare but very much nutritious food. Yes. Because this rice variety cannot cultivate everywhere. Normally, black rice cultivates only in mountain areas. This black rice is very rich in Vitamin B. More than food, black rice is worth value. To be honest, this is a miracle medicine for us. Try to add black rice for your main meals, if you can find them.  

Benefits of Bamboo Rice

Red Rice

Here is one great answer to the question of which type of rice is good for weight loss. That is Red Rice. There are certain similarities between Red Rice and Brown Rice. But these are clearly two varieties. Red Rice is rich in antioxidants. Further, The Red Rice is rich with manganese as well. Most importantly, the doctors are recommending Red rice for diabetic patients as well as the overweighed population. As per the studies, Red rice is very much helpful for patients who suffer from Asthma. But the patients have to use red rice regularly. Moreover, Doctors say that Red Rice can support to improve the oxygen circulation in our body. 

There is an importance of Red rice. Especially ladies will be happy to hear this. Because the studies found that red rice can help us to maintain good skin. Because the red rice contains iron. At the same time, red rice contains Vitamin B6. As a result of these, Red Rice supports RBC production in our bodies. So, red rice can late the aging process too. On the hand, we do not feel hungry for many hours, once we eat red rice. The red rice always lets us feel the satisfaction of food easily. Therefore, red rice is a great supportive food for weight loss efforts. Further, red rice can reduce the calories we take through food. That maturity automatically supports weight loss. Accordingly, we can understand that Red Rice is a supportive food for weight loss and has many other health benefits too. Red rice helps our body to maintain lower cholesterol. 

Benefits of Red Rice

Carolina Gold Rice

This is the last Rice variety I introduce today which helps us to reduce our body weight. That is Carolina Gold Rice. See, this is not a common product and this is not a familiar name for us. Personally, I have not eaten this variety. But as per the studies, this is really healthy food. As this rice variety is rare. Because this is cultivated in a few regions of the United States.  The Carolina Gold Rice is rich in fiber. At the same time, that is containing a considerable amount of proteins. The Greatest importance of this variety is, that this rice is helping weight loss.

Conclusion of “Which Type of Rice is good for weight Loss”?

Rice’s increasing weight is an old myth in our society. Recent studies have proved that that old myth is wrong. There are certain rice varieties that are supporting us for reduce the weight as well. But, not all rice varieties are healthy and helpful for weight loss. Therefore, we have to remember that the Variety of rice is more important. Moreover, we have to sue the particular rice variety usually, if we need a positive result.

Which type of Rice is good for weight Loss Brown Rice Bamboo Rice Red Rice Carolina Gold Rice Brown Rice Black Rice
Brown Rice Bamboo Rice Red Rice Carolina Gold Rice Brown Rice Black Rice

Special Note

Please share your negative or positive experiences if you have already received any results, using these Rice varieties on your weight loss journey. That will be very much helpful for me and the readers who try to reduce weight.

Summary of “Which Type of Rice is good for weight Loss”?

This article will provide you few rice varieties which are very much important for your weight loss efforts. Further, the other health benefits for the body through these rice varieties are also described in this article. If you prefer to get more knowledge about certain health information, please read the information below under further readings. That chapter has mentioned the guidance for you to read more on such topics.

Which type of Rice is good for weight Loss
Which type of Rice is good for weight Loss

Further Readings on Which Type of Rice is good for weight Loss

If you are a person who makes a continuous effort to reduce your body weight, read the research published by The European Congress, the UK on Obesity. 

Please read the studies of Professor Tomoko Imai if you are interested in the consumption of rice and its influence on obesity. The professor work at Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts, Kyoto, Japan. Study Professor’s research on “Given the rising levels of obesity worldwide, eating more rice should be recommended to protect against obesity even in western countries”.

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