Weight Loss is Hard

Why Weight Loss is Hard; Power of the Right Network

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Some people say that Life without challenges is boring. So, we also feel thrilled whenever we achieve our dreams and goals after a big effort. Isn’t it? It is true that no target or goal can be easily achieved in our life. Most of the time, we have to make an honest and hard effort to succeed. The weight loss and healthy weight goals are also the same. Hence, today we are talking about this. I am inviting you to understand why weight loss is hard for us.

Importance of Supportive Network

The support from the background is really important for achieving a goal whether that is a personal or academic or professional goal. Therefore, this article mainly focuses on the importance of the right support which we need for reducing weight.

Understanding Why Weight Loss is Hard; Support Network?

That means the people in our life support us whenever we trying to achieve a goal or a challenge. So, here the goal may be a personal, academic, or professional one. So let’s see who is coming under this. Most of the time our supporting network is our family members, school or university friends, relatives, Villagers and neighbors, members in our religious places, members in the workplace, Members in sports clubs, and members in other social associations, etc.  

group of people plays

Why Weight Loss is Hard; Negative Comments from Your Network?

The majority of us get hurt, disappointed, sad, angry, and finally give up our weight loss goals whenever we listen to negative comments from the network around us. This lead to stress in our mind which is not good for our health. Moreover, such situations may also invite us to suffer and end with unhealthy habits such as oversleeping and oversleeping finally. We have to understand that all these habits and stress can make weight gain and make us overweight more than early. Therefore, please manage your stress and anger carefully.   

how to respond and understand the power of the mind

Why Weight Loss is Hard; Gatherings, Functions, and Parties

Every one of us has to attend birthday celebrations, wedding ceremonies and anniversaries, religious festivals, get-together, and many other functions and parties which is related to our network. It is not easy for us to skip or avoid such occasions. But we have to be very much intelligent and smart in such situations. Because these are the places where we overeat without knowing. When we focus on entertainment and the company with our network, our focus on food is missing. Hence, we add so many calories to our bodies. Therefore, awareness about where we are and what we eat is important for our weight loss goals.

Why Weight Loss is Hard; Skipping Meals

Some of us are skipping meals just to reduce weight. For example, people eat two times and skip one main meal with the hope of weight loss. But they gain weight. Why? Because they feel more hungry. Hence, they eat more whenever they start having food. Here we think that we will reduce as we have missed one meal. But when we count the calories we took through meals, we may have taken more calories as a total per day than we take as a total of three meals. That is one of the reasons for gaining more weight.

Here we can go for three small meals which provide fewer calories. That will be helpful for reducing weight. Focus on calorie counting until you reach up t a healthy weight at least.    

 Why Weight Loss is hard; stressed and can’t sleep at Night?  

Stress itself helps to gain weight as stress can make changes in our hormones. Furthermore, if you are under stress, you may not receive good sleep. This is the second point here. The people who do not get enough sleep at night gain weight more. At least you have to get continuous sleep for more than 6 hours. So here, if you do not get 6-hour sleep at night, you will be gaining weight. That is the second reason.

Moreover, we feel hungry when we are spending long hours at night without sleep. So, we use to eat at midnight. This point is can be mentioned under emotional eating. Such overeating habits also lead gain more weight. Therefore, here we have 3 mistakes in one habit which leads to gaining weight. Hence, the best is to have 6 hours of good sleep each night. That is healthy. If you are suffering from such issues, you have to relax first.

emotional eating

Why Weight Loss is Hard; Are you take Food while Watching TV

Do you have a habit of taking meals while you are watching TV? This is a wrong practice we do. As our main focus is on the TV and the program, we lose our attention on food. Most people who eat watching TV consume more foods unknowingly. Hence, that will help to gain more weight on us because of overeating.

How to Convert Network into a Supportive Force?  

If we do not have a supportive network, our targets become more challenging. Therefore, we can convert them into the supportive force behind our achievements. So, how can we do these transformations in a positive manner? Here are some tips for you to practice.

Love yourself first

First of all, we must start telling our life that we love ourselves. We can go in front of a mirror and tell this daily. We are the person who must care for our health. Hence, we are trying to reduce our extra weight and achieve a healthy weight to protect ourselves. So, we have defined your weight loss goals to our mind clearly. Do not think that this is craziness.

This is a psychological tip we do now in a simple manner. That can send a deep feeling, confidence, and motivation to our minds which can lead us to healthy weight goals. Remember, we can change even our hormones using these strong feelings. Therefore, this is serious and will receive great results back. We also feel confident to overcome any challenge with the hope of achieving our goals when we start doing this activity daily.   

How to use Social Media

What is the relationship between social media and weight? Do you think like that? Yes. Let me explain. There are many groups on each social media related to wellness. You can join with few groups, where you can get information and motivation for reducing weight. The groups related to fasting, diet plans, exercising, fat burning, Count Calories, yoga, etc. whenever the members share their successful weight loss, you may feel motivated to reduce your body weight as well. Hence, be smart enough to use your network around you for positive results.

social media network for weight loss journey

Do you eat to Please Your Network? 

It is a biological factor that every one of us know since our childhood, we eat when we feel hungry. Anyway, it’s a practice that we take three main meals per day at present. We take tea, milk, juices, or coffee in between. Sometimes, we drink these not for hunger but to feel fresh, and motivated, to avoid bored, and to avoid sleepiness. Isn’t it? 

But we never count or never focus on that, our supportive network around us can also influence our food culture, food pattern, and food consumption. As per the studies, we overeat without a feeling of hunger just to please our network. As we would like to show our attachment and friendship, we do not say “No” to anyone. Sometimes our loved ones, relatives, or any in our network offer unhealthy foods such as food with high calories, fatty, junk foods, high sugar, etc. These situations may make you more overweighed.    

Hence, we have to have the confidence to avoid such situations and occasions in a friendly manner and politely. Moreover, we can share our weight loss goals with our network. If so, there may be some of our members who organize healthy foods considering our weight loss goals. Else, you can suggest healthy foods which we can use on such occasions in advance. 

eat for positive change

Avoid Negative Comments about your weight loss goals

Society and the network around us also play a great role for achieve a target. We receive both encouragement and criticism whenever we start something. So, we can keep more motivated whenever we receive good comments or appreciation. Normally, we give up our work or targets when we receive criticism. That’s nature. We have to correct this hereafter.

We have to understand that no target can be achieved within a day or two. Reducing weight up to a healthy weight also need its own time period. Hence, we may not see any result in the beginning and therefore, we may receive negative comments on our weight loss efforts. Just skip and avoid these negative comments and just forget them. So, if you can accept yourself as a challenging person that’s a great quality that can help us on weight loss goals. If you can enjoy challengers, you win. But, no need to react by words. Let them see the result. Keep confidence, keep motivation and never give up.

How to get support from your Spouse

This is really an important and interesting topic. We can easily achieve our healthy weight targets if our partner supports us. Actually, this fact is important and can be applied to any goal in our life. Let’s see how this point works for weight loss matters.

For example, we need to plan for a healthy diet that is rich in nutrients but low in calories as a weight loss strategy. Here, you may give up this effort when you have to prepare a healthy diet for yourself and others for your partner. Most probably, you may sacrifice your weight loss targets and you may prepare one common dish as per your partner’s requirement and interest. This is the point with which I was talking. If your partner or family understands your weight loss requirement, they will accept your diet plan and support you to practice it as a food culture at home.

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supportive partners

Do you feel like Finding time for Exercise is a Challenge?

There is another very important weight loss activity. That is exercise. You may follow any fasting or diet plan. But each and every weight loss expert are emphasizing the importance of exercise for reducing weight. Moreover, the doctors are recommending to engage in exercise for three days per week. Further, they advise us to spend at least half an hour each day.

As we are living with a very busy work schedule it is not easy to balance work life and personal life. In such a situation, finding time to exercise three days per week while managing all the responsibilities is itself a challenge. Isn’t it? Hence, invite your spouse to exercise together. If you prefer to walk, then you can walk together. Not only for reducing weight but also you can have many more benefits using this tip. You may not feel bored and you may not give up. Both of you feel like you are caring for each other. Therefore, this habit may strengthen your relationship more as well.

a couple walking together

Special Note

We hope we could share some important facts for you to understand why we experience so hard to reduce our body weight. These are simple so that we never think about it. But, they are the reasons and challenges behind our problem. Hence, if you can focus on these mistakes and overcome the challenges, you can easily reach your healthy weight. Do not worry.

If you have such experiences to share with us, do comment on us. Such comments are more important to our readers and will support our reader’s weight loss goals. Thank you for reading us.  

Further Readings

I published an article early on about Why Weight loss is hard. I have shared many important points such as obesity and overweight, many reasons for being overweighed, biological reasons, methodological issues, wrong practices, the relationship between weight and mental health, challenges, regain, and Tips for weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Click here to read that article.   

Read the Research of the University of Missouri–Columbia on Weight Loss and its challengers. Click here for the website

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is also an important data source if you prefer to read more about healthy weight and healthy life. 

Which is the best food for weight loss click here

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