Weight Loss Cure Sleep Apnea

Will Weight Loss Cure Sleep Apnea? Here are the answers.

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Weight matters for many health factors which we may never think of. Can you believe that there is a connection between weight and sleep apnea health problems? Yes. Today I am going to share very valuable information on this topic. So, let’s find the answers Will weight loss cure sleep apnea?

What is Sleep Apnea?

The full name of this condition is “Obstructive Sleep Apnea”. Let’s understand this sickness in simple words. So, this is a kind of sleeping disorder. But, we can’t take this easily. Because this is a serious health issue. Most importantly, Sleep Apnea can cause huge damage to our life as well as our health. Therefore we have to take proper treatments if we are suffering from sleep apnea. We have a problem with breathing when we go to sleep. Sometimes the breathing process can be stopped for a while when the airway is blocked. That is the most dangerous part of this health issue. As per the studies, the people who suffer from sleep apnea do not receive enough oxygen in their sleep.    

about sleep apnea

Will Weight Loss Cure Sleep Apnea; The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Not only that, we may feel sleepy and very tired all day. We feel like we do not have energy in our bodies. These are the symptoms of this illness. 

Not getting a quality sleep

As per the doctor’s recommendation, we need to get enough good sleep at night each day. Normally an adult needs at least 08 hours a day. When we sleep, our body gets rest. Therefore, a good sleep makes us refresh.

See, we are passing a few stages when we take a sleep. Our brain activities become slow in the beginning. Our breathing also becomes slow when we sleep. Moreover, our heartbeats are also down in the beginning. Normally, we see dreams in the last stage of our sleep. That’s nature.  All these processes and stages are important for us. That improves our quality of sleep too. Our brain is developing when we get enough sleep only. Normally, good sleep has its own duty to complete for us. Quality sleep can restore our energy. That’s why we feel fit and energetic when we get a good sleep. Quality sleep can regenerate our cellular as well. That helps to repair our tissue. Most importantly, quality sleep can improve our blood flow to our muscles.  

quality sleep & benefits

But normally people who are suffering from sleep apnea health issues do not receive quality sleep as per the requirement.

Sleepiness all the day

The second symptom is, that we feel sleepiness even in day time if we are suffering from sleep apnea disorder. Because we don’t get enough quality sleep at night when we suffer from sleep apnea.

Sleepiness all the day
Sleepiness all the day

Dry mouth

When we get up early morning, we feel like our mouth is too much dry, if we are patients with sleep apnea. This is also the main symptom of Sleep apnea health issues.   

Stop Breathing

Don’t be afraid of reading this. We will die if we stop breathing. That’s true. The meaning here is different. This means we may face stopping our breath for a short while when we go to sleep. This can happen from time to time. That’s a risk too. Because we do not know what is really happening inside once we go to sleep. Isn’t it? That’s why this is dangerous. 

Waking up at Mid Night

Normally, we do not receive quality sleep if we are suffering from sleep apnea. One of the main symptoms we have is we may be waking up at midnight. Maybe it’s for one time per night. Sometimes it may happen many times. Understanding the symptoms, we have to be sensitive about these if we are under this health issue, and do not forget to tell all these once you meet the doctor.

Snoring in Sleep

Please do not worry if you are a person who has snoring when you go to sleep. All the people who do snoring are not patients with sleep apnea. Okay. But let us understand that, snoring loudly is one of the symptoms of sleep apnea.

simple exercises

Sweating at Night

That is true we may feel like sweating depending on the environment around us. That is normal. But, if we feel like sweating especially at night, though the climate is not hot, then that may be a symptom of sleep apnea. Therefore, be sensitive to this.


It is not easy to keep motivation and happiness in each minute and each day similarly. We may have ups and downs in life depending on our challenges and workloads. But, we have to be serious, if we feel like no energy, no motivation, or no interest at any time for no reason. Because Moodiness is a symptom of sleep apnea health issues.


Will Weight Loss Cure Sleep Apnea; Treatments

There are many treatments and methods of doing treatments for sleep apnea.

CPAP Treatment

There is a treatment called CPAP which is considered a treatment for sleep apnea. The meaning of CPAP is Continuous positive airway pressure. But we have to understand that this CPAP treatment is not the only treatment for sleep apnea health problems. There are many more treatments too.  But this is a popular treatment among them. Okay.  Therefore, I cannot mention CPAP as an ideal method. Let me mention, that CPAP is one of the popular treatments. All right.

But there are challenges also available for this CPAP treatment. For example, many of the patients are facing some issues and difficulties with the adjustments of the face mask. Some other patients are feeling headaches. Therefore, you have to communicate such difficulties with your doctor, if you are a sleep apnea patient.  For example, if you have such difficulties, you can find an alternative solution or treatment. Isn’t it?

Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral Appliance Therapy is also one of the treatments or methods we receive for sleep apnea health problems. This is considered an alternative method for CPAP treatment. Normally, the oral appliances method is used to open our throats. This is an easier method. 


Will Weight Loss Cure Sleep Apnea; Surgeries

There are many other treatments available for sleep apnea patients as per the requirement. They are such as

  1. Adaptive Servo-ventilation
  2. Supplemental Oxygen
  3. Treatment for Associated Medical Problems
  4. Tissue Removal Surgeries
  5. Tissue Shrinkage Surgeries
  6. Jaw Repositioning Surgeries 
  7. Implants Surgeries
  8. Nerve Stimulation Surgeries
  9. Weight- Loss (bariatric) Surgery
  10. Removal of enlarged tonsils

Nocturnal polysomnography

This is a test we can do as a patient with sleep apnea. This test monitors our ling and heart. Further, this test can monitor the activities of our brain too.  The Nocturnal Polysomnography test can further understand and analyze our breathing patterns too. This test observes and analyzes the movements of our legs and handing during our sleep. This test also checks our blood and our oxygen level.

How can Sleep Apnea be treated?

We have to understand that we can achieve many positive advantages if we get proper treatments for sleep apnea. I don’t say every patient gets this much of benefits. No. we can’t say that. Because the level of result is different from one to another. But we can understand the benefits of treatments in a common view. 

Quality Sleep

The treatments can improve the quality of our sleep. Therefore, we feel relaxed even in the daytime after these treatments. Further, we feel more energetic in the daytime than before. Normally this quality of sleep we receive can help us on minimizing the tiredness which we feel in the daytime.

Improve Focusing

Moreover, we can improve our focus after this treatment. That improvement is very much important even for our personal life as well as our academic and professional life. We can work efficiently as well as productivity if we can improve our focus. Moreover, these treatments improve our memory too.

Minimize the Morning Headaches

Normally, each sleep apnea patient is suffering from headaches. The treatments we receive for sleep apnea can minimize the headaches we always face each morning. Therefore, we feel good and refresh to start our day after getting these treatments.  

Will Weight Loss Cure Sleep Apnea?

Though this is a serious health problem, Doctors are recommending that we can minimize sleep apnea with small changes in our lifestyle. Can you believe this? Yes. You will wonder to hear that there is a connection between weight and sleep apnea.

Will Weight Loss Cure Sleep Apnea
Maintain a healthy weight

Most experts are having the idea that we can control and minimize sleep apnea with these simple methods. The first one as the main solution is, you have to maintain your healthy weight. See. Weight can influence many ways.     

What are the Risks associated with weight loss and sleep apnea?

There are more risks of having sleep apnea too. Because Sleep Apnea has a connection with other health issues such as heart disease and stroke. Moreover, there is a risk of diabetes too. Many studies say that sleep apnea has a connection with depression too. Furthermore, we may get health problems in the liver if we suffer from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea also can influence insulin.  

Therefore, we have to understand how serious this health issue and we have to go for proper medical treatments. This is a must.

understand the risk

Will Weight Loss Cure Sleep Apnea; How to minimize it?

I am sharing some of the tips you can easily practice for minimizing sleep apnea. Try these. You can try these at home. If you do not get a solution, you have to meet a doctor. Okay.

Reduce your Weight

Reducing weight is the main solution for sleep apnea. You can check your height and accordingly be aware of your BMI. Try your best to reduce your body weight and maintain a healthy weight according to your BMI. Because a healthy weight depends on your age, gender, and height. That is different from person to person. If you prefer to study more about how to reduce your body weight within a short period, please refer to these articles which I have published before.

Weight Loss 24-hour fast Click here

What are 2 days fast Click here

Weight Lost 4 day fast Click here

Furthermore, if you are looking for healthy food patterns for reducing weight, here are some more articles.

Top 7 “weight loss easy lunch ideas”. Click here

Which Toast is best for Weight Loss? Click here

Which type of rice is good for weight loss? Click here.

Sleeping Position

There are some other tips too. You can practice them along with maintaining a healthy weight. Okay. As per the studies, simply you can make changes to your sleeping position and check whether you can minimize sleep apnea. Most of the time yes.  As per the research, the most suitable sleep position for sleep apnea patients is to sleep on their side. Why? Most of the time, our airway is clear when we sleep on the side. Do not sleep on our backs.

Sleeping Position
Sleeping Position

Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

As per the recommendations of doctors, that will be helpful for reducing the problem of sleep apnea if you can avoid alcohol and smoking.

Regular Exercise

We have to do regular exercise if we are suffering from sleep apnea. This is a very important factor. As per the recommendations of doctors we have to do our exercise at least 30 minutes per day. It’s ok at least we can go for a walk at least.

simple exercises you can do at home

Keep a Sleep Diary

We have to start and continue a sleep Diary if we have certain symptoms of sleep apnea. This is not a joke. We can understand many things by looking at this sleep diary. Whenever you are going to meet a doctor, you have to take this diary with you and show it to the doctor. This will help even when you are recovering. Here you have to write the time you start your sleep and at what time you wake up by the next morning. If you walking up at a late time once or a few times, you have to mention those inputs too. If you feel sleepy even in the daytime, and you did, then you have to record even those information too. This record is helping us to understand where we are and how we recovering etc.

Keep a Sleep Diary
Keep a Sleep Diary

Summary of Will Weight Loss Cure Sleep Apnea

This article answers the following questions related to Sleep Apnea. They are: What is Sleep Apnea? What are The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea? Treatments, How Can Sleep Apnea be treated? Will Weight Loss cure sleep Apnea? What are the Risks associated with weight loss and sleep apnea? How to minimize Sleep Apnea?

Special Note on Will Weight Loss Cure Sleep Apnea

We are thankful to you for reading our article. We hope you could get the main points about sleep apnea as we have written it in very simple language. Please share your feedback. Do mention your experiences if you are suffering from such health problems and share your progress too. We welcome your ideas. Those are very much important for our readers. 

Further Readings on Will Weight Loss Cure Sleep Apnea

Read the publications of The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Reports for more details on this topic.

Read about BMI (Body Mass Index). Such awareness helps you to check whether we are overweighed.

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