Will Weight Loss Help Sciatica

Will Weight Loss Help Sciatica; Secrets for recovery fast

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As per the research, over 40% of the Population in the U.S. are suffering from sciatica at least for a certain time period in their lifetime.  Furthermore, the findings of the research have emphasized that the third most common reason the population sees a doctor is back pain. Therefore, we can understand the importance of knowing about sciatica. Hence, this article talks about whether Will weight Loss help sciatica. You will understand the relationship between obesity and sciatica today.   

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is a medical term. Therefore, I would like to explain this in simple language. Okay. This is a pain that is related to the sciatic nerve. If I make it simpler, this pain will start in the lower back and then the pain will be spreading to our hips, buttocks as well as legs. The sciatica pain is not affecting both legs and one part of the body. Normally, that affects only one side.                   

about sciatica

Will Weight Loss Help Sciatica; symptoms

I am sharing the common symptoms of sciatica here one by one.

Basic Symptoms

We can identify many symptoms related to sciatica health issues. Basically, we may feel pain in the lower part of our spine. That pain can be spread up to our buttocks. Otherwise, that pain may spread up to the lower part of the legs. We may also feel very uncomfortable with our thighs in our legs. Some people get such uncomfortable with our calf too.

Symptoms can be different

The feeling of pain can be different from one person to another. Okay. Some patients get a mild ache. But some other patients feel a sharp pain. There are people who suffer from burning sensations because of sciatica. Further, someone can suffer like a jolt. Some others can suffer like an electronic shock. Therefore, we cannot mention one common symptom here. This pain sometimes occurs gradually. But, there are patients who feel like, the huge pain occurs suddenly.

I would like to share one more very important point here. The pain of sciatica can change due to different occasions and reasons. For example, the pain of sciatica will be worst if we try to cough. Most of the time the pain will be more whenever we have to sneeze. Okay. There will be muscle weakness. But, remember this. As the sciatica health problem affects one of our sides, the leg on the particular side will be affected by this health issue. Otherwise, a foot on a particular side can be affected too.     

Sciatica patient
A Sciatica patient

Will Weight Loss Help Sciatica; The Risks

The main risk of this sciatica is, this can develop as arthritis in the spine slowly if we do not get the proper treatments. Moreover, some sciatica patients are facing to some difficulties such as walking difficulties if they faced certain side effects such as permanent nerve damage in their leg.

There is a certain risk when we do surgeries for a sciatica health problem. The side effects too. Bleeding, blood clots, nerve damages, and infections are some of them. But, I must mention here that, not all surgeries are ending up with side effects.

Will Weight Loss Help Sciatica; Causes

Let’s look at the causes of sciatica. The basic thing is, that whenever the sciatic nerve becomes pinched, this pain occurs in our body. There is a body part called vertebrae. There is another name for that. That is a bone spur. Both are the same. So, simply, if there is any overgrowth of this bone spur, our sciatic nerve can be pinched. In simple words, this pain happens because of the pressure put on the nerve root.  

Age matters for sciatica

Some people have to face sciatica because of their age. What does it mean? Because many of us may have to face the changes that happen in our spine for the time being. There are certain physical issues and changes that happen when we go old. That’s nature. Hence, such changes also can be causes of sciatica.    

Rare cases here

There can be some rare cases too. Furthermore, this sciatic nerve can be pinched or compressed in many ways. It may happen because of a tumor. There is another reason too. Sometimes, this nerve may be compressed because of diabetics. All these causes are affecting sciatica health issues. 

Does a job lead us to sciatica?

Do you believe that our occupation can lead us or can be a reason for sciatica? Yes. But how? Because we may have to twist our back as behavior in our job. If we are carrying heavy loads usually as a duty in our work, that habit can lead us to a sciatica situation. Not everyone, but usually. There are some other jobs where we have to drive motorbikes for hours daily. Such bike riders also can have to suffer from sciatica.

Are you sitting for hours?

Most of the time population who do higher studies and other academic studies, have to sit continuously in their daily routines. Moreover, there is a population in the workforce who sit for hours in the office next to computers daily. See. Sometimes, these behaviors lead us to face sciatica conditions more than the people who do physical activities daily. 

sitting on a chair with a computer
Sitting on a chair with a computer

Diabetics and Sciatica

Diabetics is another topic. See, why do diabetics come to a health issue related to bones? Because the way of my body uses its blood sugar really affects many things. One is that can influence increasing the risk of nerve damage. Therefore, diabetes is considered a cause of sciatica.  


So many women are facing sciatica health issues during their pregnancy time period. One of the reasons is increasing weight during pregnancy. Not only that but also many other reasons. One of the other reasons is the hormone changes in her body in this time period. On the other hand, the weight of the baby also put pressure on her nerve.


Smoking invites many health issues including sciatica. Because there is nicotine as the content in cigarettes or tobacco. This nicotine damages our spinal tissues and makes our bones weak. Therefore, smoking can be considered one of the reasons for sciatica.

No Smoking
No Smoking

Inactive life Pattern

If our life is going with fewer physical activities, that is also one of the reasons for sciatica. If the muscles do not move, there is a health issue. Sciatica patients are the people who are having fewer movements and less flexibility. 

Will Weight Loss Help Sciatica; Tips for Treatments, Recovery, and Prevention

I am happy to mention that the majority of sciatica patients recover completely after following proper medical treatments and a healthy lifestyle. More than 90% of sciatica patients are recovering through medicine and practicing good health conditions without doing any surgeries. Only a few get some side effects.

Anyway, we cannot mention a fixed time period for recovery. Because each and every patient has got their own time period for recovery based on their self-care treatments. It is not easy to prevent sciatica from our society totally. The only thing we can do is try our best is get proper treatments and live a healthy lifestyle that minimizes health issues. Here we are sharing some of the important tips which can reduce the risk of sciatica.    

Proper Posture is Important

Try your best to stay in a correct posture when you are working or sleeping or spending time at any time. If you are a person who studies a lot sitting in a chair, or if you are a person who works in front of a computer, please stay in a proper posture when you are sitting there for hours. There are special chairs for you with good lower back support. So, you can select such chairs as your seat. More importantly, keep your knees at the proper level when you sit. Please use proper posture especially when your life any heavy items. These things can minimize your pain and help you to recover from sciatica.

correct posture

Exercise helps to have a healthy and strong spine

Try to exercise regularly though you are living in a very busy work schedule. That will make our back a strong one. Further, our muscles in the lower back and abdomen part will be strong when we do exercises. Furthermore, we can get advice from our doctor about doing exercise. He or she can introduce some exercises which are helping us to minimize sciatica and which are make strengthen our spines. So, do Exercise regularly and always keep your joints flexible.

exercise for sciatica

Proper Medication

Please meet qualified professionals if you suffer from Sciatica. He or she may be provided many treatments such as physical therapy, and massage therapy along with the medication. Moreover, they will ask you to have warm showers at home to minimize the pain.

You have to be free from smoking. That is also important in your recovery. (I have explained it early)

Plan your Foods

Practice healthy food habits and a healthy diet for a lifetime. Rather than making short-term requirements, go for long-term lifestyle changes and a healthy food pattern.

Read which fruit helps you lose weight. Click here

Read which Best Food for Weight Loss is? Click here

foods for sciatica

Read Top 7 “weight loss easy lunch ideas”. Click here

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Read which type of rice is good for weight loss. Click here.

Be Active

Plan your day and plan your week. Keep your life active. But under the supervision of your doctor. Okay. Try to enjoy hobbies that make you active but do not damage your back such as swimming, walking, or practicing yoga.

yoga for sciatica

Will Weight Loss help Sciatica?

Obesity matters not only as a problem of our appearance or fashions. Being overweight or maintaining extra weight in our body for a long time can lead to many health issues. Therefore we have to have the right understanding of the risk of maintaining our obese body as a life.  

Obesity and overweight have a big relationship with sciatica health issues too. Because Over spine is just like a vertical crane. The muscles in our body are acting like counterweights there. We put more stress on our spine when we are overweighed. Therefore, there can be some spinal changes happening in our bodies. 

If you are overweighed, please reduce your body weight. Maintain a healthy weight. That will help you to prevent sciatica. If you are already suffering from sciatica, weight loss will help you to recover soon. But, keep remembering to maintain your healthy weight even after your recovery. Therefore, please go for long-term results and lifestyle changes rather than adjusting during the treatments. That will lead to a healthy life.

Please read the following articles if you want to reduce your weight and try to maintain a healthy weight.

Weight Loss 24-Hours Fast Click here

What are 2 days fast Click here

Weight Lost 4 day fast Click here

weight # sciatica

Special note on Will Weight Loss help Sciatica?

We hope that we could assist you to get the main facts about sciatica and helped you to understand how weight effect sciatica. We are grateful for reading our article. Thank you very much for visiting our website as well. Do share your ideas if you have any experience regarding this.

Further Readings on Will Weight Loss help Sciatica?

Will Weight Loss Help Knee Pain? Click here

Why Weight Loss is so hard. Click here

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