Will Weight Loss Lower Cholesterol

Will Weight Loss Lower Cholesterol? here are the answers

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Cholesterol level is something in our blood. Weight is something else. Then, why do we talk about cholesterol and weight together? What is the relationship? Are there any changes in cholesterol that happen when we gain weight and when we lose weight?  Here, I am going to talk about that in this article. So, let’s study about, will weight loss lower cholesterol.  

The Relationship between Cholesterol and Weight

Cholesterol is not a bad thing. That is important to our body. Because cholesterol has its own duty to do in our body. To make the waxy substance, our liver needs the support of cholesterol. This work is to help build the cells and to store fat there. Here, our body needs cholesterol for making vitamin D. all these processes are essential for establishing a healthy immune system in our body.

Which is good and which is bad?

So, we have to understand that there are two types of cholesterols. Good cholesterol also do a great role in our body. We use the term “High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)” for good cholesterol.  One is bad for our health. Another one is supportive. Cholesterol becomes a risk and challenge when the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) increased over the health limits. If the LDL is over the health line, we call that condition “hypercholesterolemia”. 


Bad cholesterol and weight gain

As per health experts, bad cholesterol levels in our blood can be increased if we maintain extra weight for a longer time period. According to the research, we are getting overweight, and maintaining such extra weight long time means, we are adding bad cholesterol to our blood. For example, if we are maintaining an extra 10 pounds weight in our weight then definitely our body produces 10 Mg of extra cholesterol in our blood every day.  Hence, there is a direct connection between weight and cholesterol.    

Understand here there is an interesting fact. When we get more weight, our cholesterol increases. That is one thing. On the other hand, our odds of high cholesterol are one main reason for our obesity. So, these two are interconnected. We are overweighed means, the chances of maintaining high triglycerides and high cholesterol are also increasing. If there is increased fat tissue in our body, that condition automatically delivers more and more fatty acids to our liver. This becomes worst when we get overweight. 

Will weight loss lower cholesterol; The Risks of cholesterol

Maintaining a high level of cholesterol level in our body for the long term will lead us to many health issues. For example, that can raise certain threads for heart problems. How? In hypercholesterolemia condition, our blood flow is blocked by fatty deposits. Hence, maintaining a higher level of cholesterol lead us to stroke and heart attack too.

If you are maintaining a higher amount of cholesterol and still maintain an overweighed body is itself a risk. Because we may have to face high cholesterol issues first. After that, we may have to face other health issues which arise related to being overweight second. For example diabetics. Moreover, continuing high cholesterol conditions for a long time will affect for brain and kidneys too. That can influence issues in our legs as well. Someone can die from a heart attack even. Therefore do not take this as a simple health issue.     Remember we do not feel any symptoms though we are maintaining high cholesterol in our body. This is dangerous. Because we do not know our thread. The time we get to know about this, maybe the time we are facing a heart problem. Hence, we have to understand the risk early and act accordingly before we suffer.

Reasons behind the high cholesterol and obesity

There can be a few reasons for high cholesterol conditions. Here I am going to share all of them in detail.

Genetic Reasons for high cholesterol

Some of us easily gain weight and become obese because of genetic issues. Though you did not check a genetic report in a scientific way, we can understand genetic obesity by looking at our senior generation in our family and relatives.

Genetic Reasons for high cholesterol
Genetic Reasons for high cholesterol

Bad food patterns for a long time

One of the main reasons for increasing cholesterol and increasing weight is, that we are practicing bad or wrong food habits. If we can correct that, we can go for a long-term solution. Therefore we have to minimize the consumption of high–fat meats. Moreover, skip high-fat cheeses as much as you can. Try your best to avoid fried foods. Because all these food patterns make us more weight and increase our bad cholesterol level as well.

Will Weight Loss Lower Cholesterol: Our Behavioral issues

We all have our own lifestyle which may be full of personal, academic, professional or business, or social responsibilities. Hence, we are spending more time on a chair when we engage with all these responsibilities. Most of the time we keep our relationship through technical diversity. Accordingly, we need a computer or smartphone, or tab for maintaining all these networks. We sit in front of a computer even at the office. The majority of the students also spend their time on computers. They sit even in the classroom. See. We spend more time on chairs in each step of our life. This becomes a behavioral pattern when we take all these things together in our life.

Will Weight Loss Lower Cholesterol: Our Behavioral issues
Will Weight Loss Lower Cholesterol: Our Behavioral issues

If you look back and analyze, we work and work. Most of the time we use our minds for all these works. But, physically we are less active. Hence, we do not use the calories we take through our meals. Therefore, we add calories usually but never burn them. This is the reason for being overweight, obese, and maintaining high cholesterol.

Will Weight Loss Lower Cholesterol: Mental Health and Stress

As I mentioned early, the majority of the population in our generation is under stress due to their busy work schedules and many other reasons. So, keeping stress for a long time period is a problem. That can make changes in our hormones even. Such conditions are one of the reasons for gaining weight, diabetes, and many other health issues. Hence, mental health plays a big role which we never focus even.   

Will Weight Loss Lower Cholesterol: Mental Health and Stress
Will Weight Loss Lower Cholesterol: Mental Health and Stress

Will Weight Loss Lower cholesterol; The benefits of reducing cholesterol

There are many benefits of weight loss as well as the reducing cholesterol which are interconnected.

Safe from heart issues

We can minimize the risk of heart disease by reducing our weight too. This can be considered as one of the main benefits of weight loss as well as reducing cholesterol.  

Reduce bad cholesterol

As per the doctors, definitely we can lower the cholesterol level in our blood when we can lose our body weight as well. Therefore, we can reduce our cholesterol levels if we can reduce our body weight. Why and how? Because, when we reduce our body weight, the amount of fat available in our body also reduces. That condition makes it low likelihood of inflammation.     

Helps to reduce body weight

There is another reason for reducing cholesterol when we reduce weight. As you know, we are feeling more active when we reduce our extra weight. On the other hand, we can easily do our work without feeling tired or fed up if we are maintaining a healthy weight after reducing our extra weight. In such a situation, we can reverse our insulin resistance. Finally, our body becomes healthier and our body can regulate proper hormones to our body as well as lipoproteins. 

As per the research on reducing weight and reducing cholesterol, the experts believe we can totally reduce our HDL if we can reduce 5% of our present weight. Hence let’s focus on reducing 5% of our total weight. I cannot mention one common number for you to reduce. Because each one of us has our own weight and height which is different from one person to another. Therefore, 5% means that depends on our weight. (For example, my weight is 71kg at the moment. So 5/100 x 71 is 3.5 kg. This means, that if I can reduce another 3.5kg from my body weight, I can reduce my LDL, the bad cholesterol in my body. ) 

the overall explanation of cholesterol

Will Weight Loss Lower cholesterol; Tips to lower cholesterol while reducing your body weight

Here are some very simple tips for you. But all these tips can make a huge change in our health. Therefore, do not take these easily. Try your best to add these to your daily practice and go for a lifestyle change.   

Skip these as much as you can

There are certain habits we have to avoid at this moment as we have to recover soon. Alright. I hope you can sacrifice something for your health. First thing is, that we have to stop alcohol as much as we can. The second thing is smoking.       

Have a place for exercise on a timetable

Plan your time and find time to do some exercises. As per the recommendations of health experts, we have to do some exercises three days per week at least if we want to maintain a healthy weight and healthy life too. Moreover, focus on doing exercise for at least 20 minutes per day. Just try to walk at least.

Have a place for exercise on a timetable
Have a place for exercise on a timetable

Let’s enjoy life with hobbies

Make hobbies that help you to reduce weight loss as well as which help you to reduce high cholesterol as well. When you engage in a hobby you do not get tired, bored, or stressed. You are enjoying the hobby. But, you can burn some calories. Here, you get two types three benefits. First, one is reducing weight and reducing high cholesterol. The second one is you are enjoying and happy. The third one is you reduce the stress which you suffer from your busy work schedules. The hobbies need to select as per the interest of your personal choices. I can suggest a few such as hiking mountains, walking along the roads, swimming, yoga, dancing, Arabic, biking, etc

Let’s enjoy life with hobbies
Let’s enjoy life with hobbies

Understand the warnings

If you are already suffering from heart problems, do not start exercising as per your wish. Please meet your doctor and get his or her advice before your start exercising. Furthermore, if you get pain in your chest while you are excited, you must stop your workout. Else you may feel tightness, then you should not continue your exercise further. Okay. This is really an important point.    

Plan our Diet properly

Rather than having food as a practice as usual manner, we have to start planning our diet hereafter. Look at your plate and remember that 25% of our meals need to be covered with lean proteins. Lean proteins are very much supportive of reducing weight. We have to cover another 25% of our plate with grains. So, now we have completed 50% of our plate. That means almost half of our meals. Isn’t it? All right. Let’s full that using vegetables and fruits. If you prefer to know more about this, read the following articles which I have written before. Remember, fiber plays a great role. Therefore, try to consume foods that contain fiber.

Top 7 lunch ideas click here

for foods for cholesterol

Are you a Red meat consumer?  

You may be interested in eating meat. But. Consuming Red meat is risky when you are already reached high cholesterol and already overweighed. But, I seriously advise you to stay away from red meat. Try alternative foods skipping the foods which contain saturated fats.

Which is the best food for weight loss click here

Which fruit helps you weight loss click here

Let’s Skip Trans Fats

Can we skip baked goods as much as you can as those contain Trans Fats? Furthermore, Trans fats are available even in margarine. We have to read all the labels of dairy products w buy. Please do not feel like it’s disturbing you. It’s very much important. Moreover, skip all the food which is under the category of “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil”   

Which toast is best for weight loss? Click here

What type of rice is good for weight loss? Click here

supportive foods

Start to Read Food Labels

Start reading food labels from today. The food labels will let you know the content of the food which you are going to buy. Awareness is important here. Because you are going to buy fewer calorie foods hereafter. Okay. Normally the food labels are mentioning the salt level, sugar level, and fats. Always try less sugar and fewer fats.  

Maintain a Weight Diary

Start from today. Check your weight now and write down it. While you practice all these tips mentioned before, check your body weight monthly. Maintaining a weight dairy is important. That shows us where we go. That means we can measure our own progress by us. If you are suffering from high cholesterol, you can mention the cholesterol level as well.

But checking your weight usually is useless. You may lose your motivation when you did not see a positive change after a few days. Therefore, try it once a month which is considered a long time and can show you good progress. This habit can keep you motivated on reducing weight as well as reducing your cholesterol as well.  

Keep Hope and Motivation

Hopefulness is an important feeling and a quality. That leads you to achieve a goal. Here, you have a health goal to achieve. Therefore always be hopeful and never give up.

Stay motivated on keeping good health, motivate on reducing weight, motivate on reduce your cholesterol level as well. While you are taking the medication you can practice the tips mentioned in this article. Using the weight dairy you can keep motivation looking at your progress. Moreover, enjoy and keep motivated doing exercise. Start challenging yourself. Believe me. You can reach your health targets easily.

Benefits and Risks of different weight loss programs

I have published a few articles on different weight loss methods. If you prefer to read more here are the links.  

Here is water fast. 5-days fasting with water for best results click here.

24-hours fast is an easy method to practice click here to find the article.

Weight loss 8 months & Maintain a Healthy weight ever click here

An overall view. Weight loss intermittent fasting all in one. Click here for the relevant article.

Weight loss 2-days fasting click here

a TV program

Special Note for the Readers

Do share your experience if you are suffering from overweight or cholesterol. That will be important for our readers too. Further, we welcome your feedback on this article. we hope that we could help you by providing important information here.

Will Weight Loss Lower cholesterol; Further readings

If you prefer to study more about this topic, you can read the publications and research of The American Heart Association

Read the research at the American College of Cardiology for further studies.

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